Ethcode and other ethereum devtools

Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2021

Ethcode summer update May 2021

Ethcode now supports standard JSON and combined JSON outputs from solidity.

Use the following command to generate solidity standard JSON output.

solc-static-linux --standard-json input.json --allow-paths /home/User/solidity-examples/ > output/greeter_standard.json

input.json example.

"language": "Solidity",
"sources": {
"greeter.sol": {
"urls": [
"mortal.sol": {
"urls": [
"settings": {
"outputSelection": {
"*": {
"*": ["*"]

Use the following command to generate solidity combined JSON output.

solc-static-linux -o output --combined-json abi,asm,ast,bin,bin-runtime,compact-format,devdoc,generated-sources,generated-sources-runtime,hashes,interface,metadata,opcodes,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,storage-layout,userdoc solidity-examples/greeter.sol

Then copy the JSON file and load it on Ethcode.

Ethcode compiled JSON output view is changed to a tree view.

Now users will see a JSON tree view for the compiled JSON. Copy ABI or bytecode of the compiled JSON to load them into the Ethcode deploy tool.

ethcode compiled JSON tree view.

Ethcode now comes with Ethereum Remix VScode extension.

Now you can compile a solidity or vyper program in Ethereum Remix. And then load the compiled results into Ethcode to deploy and execute ABI calls.

  1. Install Ethereum Remix extension
  2. Install Ethcode extension
  3. Install Solidity language extension (optional) —
  4. Activate Ethcode Remix plugin.
activate ethcode remix plugin.

4. Compile your smart contracts. You can use Remix Solidity/YUL compiler. Or you can use Solidity extension.

3. After compiling the contracts you will see the compiled results in the Ethcode Remix plugin loaded as standard JSON .
Deploy on Ethcode button will load the compiled results into Ethcode.

Deploy smart contracts from Ethereum Remix in Vscode

Removed authentication.

Email authentication is not required anymore.

Know more about smart contract development visit

