Ethereum transaction debugging in vscode — Ethcode

Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

We are excited to release another update of ethcode, the vscode plugin for Ethereum development. Now debug any transaction of Ethereum network (including main and test networks) in your favourite vscode editor. Ethcode brings you remix transaction debugging tool into vscode.

remix transaction debugger

Ethcode enables transaction debugging in three simple steps.

Step 1: Select your network.

In order to debug a particular transaction, first will you need to select the network in which the transaction was published. In our example, we will debug a transaction that was published to Görli testnet. So we copy a random transaction hash from Görli Etherscan.

copy transaction hash

Then activate Ethcode in vscode by hitting ctrl+alt+e . Select Görli from testnet selection dropdown in Ethcode.

select testnet on Ethcode

Step 2: Debug

Next, we will switch to the debug tab on Ethcode. There we will see an input field to paste the transaction hash we just copied. And click the debug button to initiate the debug process.

initiate debug process

Once the debug process is completed we would see the debug results.

Step 3: Debug with diffchecker tool

Once the debug results are produced one should see the results in a diff viewer in Ethcode debug view. A diff viewer has been added to check differences between various steps.

detailed debug view

Ethcode is a vscode plugin for Ethereum smart contracts development. For those who want to explore more, visit Ethcode website . ❤️


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Published in 7Finney

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