Introducing Solidity Execute — A tool for smart contract development

Tamaghna Chowdhury
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2023
Solidity Execute

We’re excited to announce the release of Solidity Execute, a powerful new tool for smart contract developers using vscode. This tool uses Ethcode API which makes it easy to execute Solidity smart contracts on EVM blockchains.

This tool is an interface that provides access to a vivid range of functionalities that enable its users to easily interact with smart contracts without requiring them to write scripts.

  • One of the key features of Solidity Execute is its ability to present a list of ABI items in tree view.
Smart Contract ABI treeview

This feature enables users to easily navigate through the ABIs and find the relevant functions that they need to execute. With just a few clicks, users can create and sign transactions using the tool’s intuitive interface.

At present, Solidity Execute works with Solidity ABI and any EVM-based network configured in ethcode. It also works with hardhat projects and can autoload ABIs as they are compiled. This makes Solidity Execute an extremely versatile tool that can be used in a range of different scenarios.

Note: In future ethcode and sol-exec plans to support more Web3 project builders like Remix IDE for vscode and Foundry.

Solidity Execute also allows users to easily add constructor parameters and function call parameters in a JSON. This is useful when users need to pass parameters for a function call or need to change the amount of ETH being sent with a transaction.

One-click editing of constructors, deploy and call functions are now possible in vscode. Solidity Execute and ethcode makes it all easy for developers without leaving their favorite editor ever.

One-click constructor editing
Contract interactions

Upcoming features

With its future plans, Solidity Execute promises to become even more versatile and powerful, providing users with even more control and flexibility over their smart contract interactions and transaction deployments.

A sneak peek into our next update.

Solidity Execute sneak peek into the future.

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