Resource list

Paul Smith
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018

A list of the best resources on lean startup, design sprints and new ways of working.

Getting started



  • How Google works — The Google CEO explains how they become the world’s most iconic technology company.
  • The Amazon way — A former Amazon executive give insight into Amazon’s management philosophy.
  • The lean startup — An introduction to the lean startup methodology.
  • Sprint — An introduction to Google Venture’s design sprint process.
  • Talking to humans — How to interview customers by Giff Constable.
  • The mom test — How to do customer discovery with out messing it up.
  • The corporate startup — How established companies can develop innovation ecosystems.


  • Steve Blank blog — The father of lean startup and customer discovery share’s his insights.
  • The startup playbook — Y Combinator (the world’s most successful accelerator) gives their best startup advice.
  • Paul Graham blog — Paul Graham’s legendary startup essay’s a must read.
  • Sprint stories — Stories on how startups and large organisations are using design sprints.
  • #JTBD — A blog on the latest Jobs-to-be-done framework.


