Starter community: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Paul Smith
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2018

A few entrepreneurs have asked to refer their friends to the Starter community. To help the share the concept via email I have written up a blog post with common FAQs.

What is the Starter community?

An invite only community of high-performing entrepreneurs that come together to share ideas, build their businesses and hold each other accountable for levelling up.

What does the programme include?

Peer group meetings — Six to ten high-performing, non-competitive entrepreneurs with similar visions and problems will meet for 3-hours once a month to share ideas and solve problems with assurance of 100% confidentiality.

Best practice templates — Online access to simple prioritised checklists, “twitter” advice and templates from 100s of the world best entrepreneurs. Checklists from R0 to R100 million help entrepreneurs save you 100s of hours of time and improve their decision making.

Workshops — Monthly action-based workshops with experts on specific topics.

Philosophies — The community adheres to a set of shared philosophies that support members to develop their character, increase their formability and grow the contribution of their businesses.

What type of businesses are part of the community?

Many different businesses have signed up. Here is a list of a few of them — an AI hedge fund, a digital insurance company, an IoT insurance business, a digital platform for car mechanics, a VR research lab and many more. Some businesses are early stage, just a founding team while others are employing over 100 people, some are self-funded while others have raised over R40 million in funding. What is common amongst founders are they are high calibre founders doing great work.

Who will be in my peer group?

Five to nine non-competitive entrepreneurs at a similar stage, team size and revenue with a different skill set. For example, some each group will have an entrepreneur that has expertise in marketing, sales, finance, legal, new product development and human resources.

What is the time investment required to join the community?

3-hours once a month to meet with your peer advisory group. There is also an optional monthly 1-day workshop that you should only attend if it is relevant for your business.

How much will it cost?

It is free for the 3-month pilot.

What happens at a peer advisory group meeting?

The format of peer group sessions vary from session to session, but the following activities will happen at most sessions:

· Problem solving — Entrepreneurs share problems and other entrepreneurs with experience share solutions to how they have solved similar problems.

· Best practice — Lightning talks on best practice templates for starting and growing a business.

· Guest presentations — Guest entrepreneurs and expert presentations.

· Accountability — Entrepreneurs share their monthly goals and what they aim to achieve before the next session.

· Metric review — Entrepreneurs review and update their key business metrics.

Do I need to give up equity?

No, Starter will not be taking equity in any community members businesses.

When does the Starter peer groups start?

February 2019, after a 1-on-1 meeting with a Starter team member the exact date your peer group is based on finding a time, location and day that is convenient to you.

Where are the peer group meetings held?

The meetings are held in Johannesburg at five different venues based in the following areas: Fourways, Sandton, Greenside, Rosebank and Braamfontein.

What time and day are the peer group meetings?

10h00, 13h00 and 16h00, Monday to Friday depending at what time is convenient to you.

How can I join?

Either submit an application of interest here: or contact Paul Smith on 073 954 1346 or

