8 Circuit Studios Chats Blockchain Gaming with Students

Jared Rea
8 Circuit Studios
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2018

Our resident 2D Artist and Game Designer, Mario Duarte, had a unique opportunity to speak with students of a digital game design course in his native home of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Check out his report, along with some photos of the talk!


I was recently invited by Missila Cardoso, a teacher at the University of Sao Caetano do Sul, Greater Sao Paulo Area of Brazil, to speak with students of her Digital Games Course at USCS. Being from Sao Paulo and having worked for 15 years as a designer in that market, it was an exciting opportunity to share my thoughts as a designer, artist, and especially my current experience with video game development on the blockchain.

Over the course of a 2 hour video conference, we had the opportunity to talk about how 8 Circuit Studios is working towards changing the future of gaming by utilizing the blockchain to allow for digital ownership. It was interesting to see how these future industry professionals reacted to the idea, and understanding that they’ll be directly involved in its future.

We also discussed character design, showing how the creative process works from concept sketches to final renders, and how this role fits into the studio, the relationship between creative and development teams, and my perceptions about working abroad for a North American game studio.

To end on a positive note, we had a blast watching the videos of amazing 3D work that our D-PARC development team is doing within their new universe.

Thanks again to the USCS staff for the opportunity to share our work, and hopefully inspire these students!

For more on 8 Circuit Studios, be sure to follow us on Twitter, and join our Discord where you can try out our first mobile title, Alien Arsenal!



Jared Rea
8 Circuit Studios

Communuty & Social Media Manager, 8 Circuit Studios