Alien Arsenal — Their Return Home

Twilighting the Mobile App

Mike Jones
8 Circuit Studios
2 min readMay 8, 2019


Last year “Alien Arsenal: Battle for the Blockchain” was published by 8 Circuit Studios for the Android and iOS platforms. This game was devised as a proof of concept for blockchain management of virtual goods and a demonstration that this new technology could be easily integrated into games, without the barriers to entry typically associated with blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

To build Alien Arsenal, a small team was spun off from the primary title Project Genesis. Project Genesis continued to focus on art and gameplay and sharing their resources to Alien Arsenal as needed.

After the initial results were collected from Alien Arsenal’s play sessions it provided insight into the contract functionality and the usability from a players perspective. In the mean time, the Project Genesis team had made major advancements and were ready to start moving forward with development.

Shifting all our attention to our keystone game, Project Genesis, has allowed it to flourish, in part from the information acquired from Alien Arsenal, with entirely new systems and contracts to support our players and virtual goods. (To see more about the advancements on Project Genesis see our Developer Journal.)

Alien Arsenal is a project that is near and dear to everyone at 8 Circuit Studios. It was the first product released publicly and it’s loaded with characters, art and concepts that we love. But we will be putting Alien Arsenal into hibernation until we are able to give it the full attention it deserves. As we are not currently supporting Alien Arsenal it has been necessary to remove it from both the Apple Store and Google Play, closing this chapter of development.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Alien Arsenal. If you were a member of our Alien Arsenal Discord channel, be sure to join the 8 Circuit Studios channel to keep up to date with all the advancements and join in the discussion. Lastly, if you participated in the Alien Arsenal Space Drop, watch for a future email with instructions to access your tokens.

Be sure to sign up for the Project Genesis Open Alpha test for early access and the opportunity to help shape the game.



Mike Jones
8 Circuit Studios

Easy to spot in a crowd. Creating a better world through video games and blockchains.