Conversations with the Team

Featuring Deejay Beck, Game Producer and Crypto Investor

Bonnie Karklins
8 Circuit Studios
5 min readAug 24, 2018


Behind every game is a ton of passionate folks working behind the scenes to make sure the result is the best, most high quality product possible. 8 Circuit Studios’ Deejay Beck helps keep everyone honest with his keen eye for quality quirks, and project management experience. We spoke to him about his current role, love of blockchain, and how he got into games to begin with.

8 Circuit Studios: Hi Deejay. Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do here at 8 Circuit Studios.

Deejay Beck: My name is DJ, born and raised in the California Bay Area, and I’ve been obsessed with technology since I was a kid. From video games, the internet, mobile phones, and now blockchain. I have over 10 years of experience in Quality Assurance, and am currently paving my way at 8CS as a Producer.

8CS: Where could we have seen your work prior to 8 Circuit Studios? Is this your first time working in games?

DJ: I’ve been working in the games industry since 2006. I hit the ground running as an entry level QA tester at Sony Playstation where my first project was a PlayStation 3 launch title called Resistance: Fall of Man. I returned to that franchise and took another contract to work on the sequel, Resistance 2.

Since then I’ve worked at several major gaming companies as well as some sweet start-ups. I had a major role developing Mobsters and Sorority Life at Disney Interactive, Dominations at Nexon Mobile, and several smaller titles and indie games on a multitude of platforms.

8CS: What do you enjoy most about working on blockchain games?

DJ: What I enjoy most about working on blockchain games is knowing that we are creating the next big thing in gaming, as well as lowering the barriers to entry, making it easy for the next big wave of crypto adopters.

8CS: What are you most excited about when it comes to implementing blockchain elements into games?

DJ: I’m excited to see gamers reach that “aha moment” when they realize that with gaming on the blockchain your digital items are truly yours! Digital goods are now forever and have historical data.

8CS: If you could go back in time and implement blockchain technology into one of your favorite games, which game would it be and how would it work?

DJ: It would have been amazing if old school RPG’s saved their character sheets on the blockchain. I think it would have worked well with a game like Fallout and its sequels. You could essentially play the newer Fallout games using your blockchain character. Character’s can live forever on the blockchain, and can travel between different game engines or universes.

8CS: What are some of your favorite games? And what are you currently playing?

DJ: My favorite games of all time would have to be Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Breath of Fire 3, Fallout 2, Metal Gear, and Diablo II.

Right now I’m playing a pretty sweet game on Steam called Frost Punk.

8CS: That’s a lot of fighting games and RPGs! What is it about these genres that pulls you towards them?

DJ: Fighting games are essentially high speed problem solving, and everyone is a different puzzle to crack. Street Fighter has incredible depth hiding in what appears to be relatively simple mechanics. I love the styles that each player brings to the fight, and studying match-ups between characters. Each player has a personal, unique way of dealing with situations they’re put in. Once you learn the basic commands in Street Fighter, and execution is no longer a huge factor, it becomes a game of mental jiu jitsu. Everything from the wild community, the hurt feelings, and the wild comebacks. I’ve had some of my best times with friends playing fighting games.

RPG’s on the other hand provide a personal experience in a different world. A good RPG on a rainy weekend? That’s what I’m talking about!

8CS: Can you recall how you first got into games?

DJ: When I was super young, about 3 years old, I used to walk into my dark living room late at night, and there he was… My uncle, playing Contra for the Nintendo. Sometimes he would hand me the second controller and I would be the blue guy. I was instantly hooked! Eventually I figured out how to play Metroid, then Zelda.

I’d also like to put it out there that I later became a Sega Genesis kid!

8CS: I’m a Sega kid, too! What was it about Nintendo’s 90’s rival that caused you to gravitate towards them?

DJ: That’s awesome! I actually got lucky. My parents ended up buying me a Sega Genesis around its launch date to get back at my Uncle for not letting me play the NES on so many occasions. My uncle would come into my room and see the 16-bit, blast processing craziness coming from my screen and it dropped his Jaw.

I feel like the library on the genesis was more mature, and made me feel like a badass because I was a Sonic, not a weak Mario! [laughs] I’m kidding, Mario is my boy, too! My favorite games for the Genesis: Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Shining Force, Golden Axe, Kid Chameleon, Shadowrun, and Gunstar Heroes!

8CS: To finish up, let’s change gears to my personal favorite, the lightning round! Answers should be as short as possible. Here we go!

If you could spend time with anyone in the gaming or crypto world, who would it be?

DJ: I think I would probably get along with Crypto Daily on Youtube! Lol. We could probably riff about crypto life for hours.

8CS: Where would you spend your time with Crypto Daily?

DJ: Coloso Coffee in Oakland, I love that place. I’d be down to just kick it in the Bay Area and show that guy around, show him where all the Tech comes from.

8CS: What 1 question would you ask Crypto Daily?

DJ: What is favorite car is, so not Crypto related [laughs]. There’s nothing crypto related that I need to know from him. We are all observing this space evolving together. I would be happy just kicking it, talking about video games.

8CS: What’s the best piece of advice that you have heard in gaming or cryptocurrency?

DJ: Surround yourself with folks that know more then you do.

8CS: That’s a great piece of advice, also one of the best that I’ve gotten. And finally, what do you do when you aren’t working on 8 Circuit Studios’ new products?

DJ: Tinkering and building my cars, and driving them… a lot. I attend lots of Car shows, and racing events.

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