
800 Unicorn
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2020
來源:Ray Dalio

Understanding, accepting, and working with reality is both practical and beautiful. I have become so much of a hyperrealist that I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of all realities, even harsh ones, and have come to despise impractical idealism.

Don’t get me wrong: I believe in making dreams happen. To me, there’s nothing better in life than doing that. The pursuit of dreams is what gives life its flavor. My point is that people who create great things aren’t idle dreamers: They are totally grounded in reality. Being hyperrealistic will help you choose your dreams wisely and then achieve them.



-Ray Dalio

Dalio 這段話讓我想起導演 Christopher Nolan 在普林斯頓大學對畢業生的演講:

I don’t want you to chase your dreams. I want you to chase your reality. I want you to understand that you chase your reality not at the expense of your dreams, but as the foundation of your dreams.


-Christopher Nolan

不管是 Dalio 或 Nolan 的話,都讓我很有感觸。當年我在左派陣營一陣子之後,開始覺得哪裡不對勁,覺得厭倦,而且無力感更深了。於是我離開了,幾年後無意間走到我以前不認同的世界。在那個世界,我看到的是無比的務實態度。其中,有些人走到務實就停止了,但仍有一些人在務實之上還有理念和理想。和這群人在一起的我覺得踏實多了,於是我就留了下來了。

最近和兩位譯者朋友分享我想在人生裡達成什麼,我說:我想脫離 naive,成為一個 sophisticated 的人,同時又保有 integrity。我想,Dalio 和 Nolan 說的大概都是這個道理吧。



800 Unicorn

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