88mph Meme Contest — $7,800 in prizes

We are delighted to announce our first 88mph Meme Contest funded by our generous community members and 88mph’s community grants program.

McFly 🛹| 88mph
2 min readMar 11, 2021


We’re looking for the dopest Memes/NFTs that best represent the unique value proposition that 88mph offers in the DeFi ecosystem.

How to join?

  1. Join our telegram group to learn more about 88mph.app.
  2. Grab our logo in the most appropriate format (optional).
  3. Post your work on Twitter with the hashtags $mph + #mphmeme and tag @88mphapp.
  4. Fill in the following form: https://m9i59zma2fm.typeform.com/to/txhLytxp.

Prizes — ~$7,800 (60.5 MPH)

The prizes are funded by 5 generous community members and our grants program.

  • 1st prize: 28 MPH
  • 2nd prize: 18 MPH
  • 3rd prize: 12 MPH.

There will also be a special prize of 2.5 MPH for the meme with the most likes on Twitter.

The contest begins on Tuesday the 16th of March and will run for 2 weeks in total. Good luck and we look forward to seeing your work!

Our generous anonymous donators, community leads, and the core team will evaluate all the submission on March 31, 2021. The results will be published on 88mph’s Twitter account.

