88mph ∞ Timeless

An updated roadmap regarding 88mph and Timeless.

McFly 🛹| 88mph
2 min readApr 12, 2022


As both projects are respectively close to delivering new tokenomics and breakthroughs regarding on-chain yield tokenization products, it was necessary to provide some transparency regarding what we aim for in 2022 and beyond.

  1. Our final tentative to release 88mph venomics (v4) will be conducted Mid-May. As you can see on our GitHub, the required code base is in its final state. We’ll invest the remaining time in testing and deploying the new contracts. In case you missed it, this update won’t affect any contract handling 88mph’s money flow (eg. fixed-rate deposit, Yield tokens).
  2. 88mph venomics release will also mark a new chapter in the protocol’s development with a focus on the business development side rather than the technical side. So far, we proved that 88mph could deliver a scalable, reliable, and secure fixed rate product but we still need to extend our business development effort to achieve our initial vision. We think that venomics will help the protocol achieve sustainable growth while protecting the value creation and token holders. It doesn’t appear to us presently that adding more features will help achieve that goal. For this reason, we’ll ensure that 88mph runs smoothly and focus our energy on the business development, with Dakotah Moses as our lead BD.
  3. Timeless public launch will happen shortly after the 88mph v4 release. We will distribute a significant amount of the Timeless’ native token supply to 88mph venomics users. More details will be published in a later post.

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