88mph v3 Community Contest Top 10 Winners

Joshua Bate
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Disclaimer: Whilst most of the submissions we received were amazing, some sadly couldn’t qualify for prizes. We are incentivizing hard work from our community members, and want to reward those who showed such efforts. Some of the short entries which were plain text added on top of the 88mph logo, a simple quote, etc. were not included in the prizes.

🏆 Prizes

Here are the prizes for top 10:

🏆 1st Place — $1,500 in MPH tokens

🥈 2nd Place — $1000 in MPH tokens

🥉 3rd Place — $750 in MPH tokens

🏅 4th and 5th place — $500 in MPH tokens

🎖 6th through 10th — $400 in MPH tokens

🏆 First Place — Explainer Video

A fantastic explainer video from frens DeFi Slate is a deserving winner of the grand prize!

🥈 Second Place — Explainer Graphic

We love the simple nature and great design aesthetic!

🥉 Third Place — Telegram Stickers

Speaks for itself. Great addition to our community channels.

A variety of 88mph stickers for the Telegram, created by https://twitter.com/zer0float

🏅 Fourth Place — Spray Paint Art

A great time-lapse that perfectly captures the creative part of this contest.

🏅 Fifth Place — Nail Art

Another wonderful piece of physical art. Great colors and skill!

🎖 Sixth Place — Explainer Graphic

Informative and easy to read!

🎖 Seventh Place — Explainer Video

A great attempt from a handsome 88mph user!

🎖 Eighth Place — Overview

Succinct and informative.

🎖 Ninth Place — Moonsheet

SHILL SHEET. ty ser Bene

🎖 Tenth Place — Explainer

Longer form with more information; great effort!

Congratulations to everyone involved!

How to Claim

  • Direct message https://twitter.com/CryptoSteven88 from the account that submitted the entry
  • Provide your discord handle (must be in the 88mph discord) via the twitter message
  • Steven or another team member will use the tip.cc bot on 88mph Discord “creative-contest-payments” channel to tip you the amount won

About 88mph

88mph offers a series of fixed-rate APY pools for various assets, such as DAI, USDC, WBTC, and ETH. When users/protocols deposit assets into an 88mph pool, they earn fixed-rate yield that is redeemable at maturity, as well as MPH tokens as a deposit incentive.

For example, a 12-month deposit of 100 DAI will deliver a fixed yield after 12-month. If the fixed yield rate at the time of deposit was 10%, then the 88mph protocol delivers 10 DAI of yield to the depositor when the deposit reaches its maturity one year later.

Under the hood, 88mph pools lend deposited funds to variable-rate yield protocols such as Aave or Compound. To learn more about how 88mph converts a stream of variable-rate yield into fixed-rate yield, check out our documentation.

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Joshua Bate

Whatever affects us all is likely worth learning about.