Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023

by D-Wayne Taylor

Last week, I was talking to a student on campus, and we were discussing Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how celebrity voices and images can be replicated — the usual. I, being a big public speaking guy, mentioned that because of these new technologies, there’s no better time to shore up your public speaking skills.

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

He didn’t believe me — I had to give him examples! Which underscores the importance of not giving up or handing over human communication.

So in this small conversation, I mentioned a bunch of examples, but I’ll share the most impactful (in my opinion) — they still didn’t agree when we parted ways:

Authentic Connection: While streaming and AI allow for virtual communication, nothing beats the authenticity of a live human connection. Public speaking skills enable you to connect with your audience on a personal level, creating a meaningful and memorable experience that resonates with them and makes them remember the experience.

Influence and Persuasion: In the era of AI-generated content, being able to effectively communicate and persuade others is a valuable asset. Public speaking skills empower you to articulate your ideas, opinions, and viewpoints in a compelling manner, influencing others to take action. I don’t think AI will ever have the ability to adapt on the fly to an argument in a human manner.

Emotional Intelligence: Public speaking requires you to be attuned to the emotions of your audience and respond accordingly. Developing emotional intelligence through public speaking can help you navigate complex social dynamics in both virtual and real-world settings.

Personal Branding: In the age of streaming and AI, personal branding is crucial. Public speaking skills allow you to communicate your personal brand with confidence, authenticity, and impact, setting you apart from AI influencers and brands who aren’t able to articulate themselves clearly(or at all hah).

Adaptability: Public speaking involves adapting to different audiences, contexts, and platforms. This adaptability is a valuable skill in the age of streaming and AI, where communication channels are constantly evolving, and being able to connect with diverse audiences is key to success. AI technologies will be tailored for each channel, and having the ability to flip between audiences as a sole communicator will become an in-demand skill.

Critical Thinking: Public speaking requires you to think critically and organize your thoughts in a logical manner. This skill is invaluable in the age of streaming and AI, where information overload is common, and being able to convey your ideas with clarity and coherence is essential.

Networking: Public speaking often involves presenting in front of groups of people, which can be a great networking opportunity. Even with AI being available to nearly everyone and a useful tool for interacting with others, networking remains a critical skill for building professional relationships and advancing your career. AI doesn’t have the ability to network an dshare experiences with others to build communities.

Human Touch: In the era of AI-generated content, human touch is becoming a rare commodity. Public speaking skills allow you to tap into the power of human connection, empathy, and storytelling, which can have a profound impact on your audience.

I know the guy didn’t believe me, but BECAUSE of AI, public speaking skills are still highly relevant and valuable. They enable you to authentically connect with others, influence and persuade, develop emotional intelligence, build your personal brand, adapt to changing communication channels, think critically, network, demonstrate leadership, provide the human touch, and advance your career and TONS MORE.

Don’t sleep on public speaking. AI will never be able to bring the feeling of voice to life the way humans can.




The Voice is My Playground. Master of Ceremonies | Speaker | Radio & TV Host | Human Beatboxer.