8Videos: Get Closer To Your Local Videos

Amit Bista
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2016

YouTube is the world’s most popular video sharing site which contains millions of videos. As a user, you can find any videos you desire. However, with so many videos it is quite difficult to find the right one.

Although YouTube provide users a great platform to share videos, unfortunately it does not provide a good filter service. For instance, when you type “funny” in YouTube, you will get thousands of results but most of the videos are may be to the mark. The case is even severe, when we want to explore local videos.

Talking about Nepali YouTube Videos, there are number of videos which are quite good and some even amazing but their views are quite low. This is because like the rest of the world, most Nepalese are also hooked up with popular Hollywood shows such as ‘America’s got talent’, ‘The voice’ and others. As a result, YouTube suggestions list keeps you loaded with amazing foreign videos. In the end, most Nepalese are unaware of the existence of the high rated nepali Videos.

What is 8videos?

Goal: The Goal of 8videos is to make local and worthy videos easily available to people.

8videos is just like 9gag.tv but for Nepal. 8videos is a local Video sharing App that complies only critically reviewed Nepali videos. 8videos has the best Nepali funny, adventure, short movies, music, talent, fails of YouTube.


Watch ‘KAKA’ — one of the best Nepali short movie you will ever see



Amit Bista
Editor for

Adventure Seeker, Risk Taker & all time goofier... I strive to know my limits and eventually surpass it.