8PAY’s Autobiller: What is it and how to use it

Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2021

October 20th has finally arrived at 8PAY’s HQ. The team has worked hard to design and develop one of the most important functions of the entire network, making 8PAY much easier to use even for non-technical users, and it’s designed for those who want to enjoy all the benefits of blockchain payments.

Before today, anyone who wanted to use 8PAY for their recurring payments had to :

Navigate to: https://app.8pay.network/

1. Create a Fixed Recurring Plan

2. Download the NodeJS module*

3. Install it on the Backend (Tech Skills required)

4. Follow the documentation and integrate it with their application (e.g. eCommerce, Streaming Service , SAAS)

This was a flow that created a lot of friction for our merchants (especially step number 4).

* The Javascript SDK will be supported as well , for some of our merchants it result more flexible and, in accordance to the open source philosophy, more customizable.

From today, all this will be just a memory.

With Autobiller, users don’t have to worry about anything. 8Pay’s smart contract will take care of it all:

Navigate to: https://app.8pay.network/

  1. Create the plan
  2. Share the link with users
  3. Activate the toggle.

To further understand the potential of Autobiller, here’s how it works:

Step 1 Create a Recurring Plan like Fixed Recurring Plan

create plan video

Step 2 Share your 8PAY checkout link with user so they can subscribe to the plan.

create link video

Step 3 Activate the Autobiller. Just click the toggle from the “Plan” section of 8PAY’s UI.

toggle autobiller video

Gas Wallet

8PAY’s Autobiller will take care of automating the billing operations for you. That means our smart contract will first check the balance of the subscribed users and attempt to charge them only if they have enough funds. This reduces gas fees and minimizes failed attempts.

For every billed attempt, the smart contract will charge a fee in addition to the gas fee, based on your account tier. More info on account tiers can be found at the end of the article.

You can find the Gas Wallet under the “Wallet” section of 8PAY’s UI.

The gas wallet needs to be Enabled and Filled with 8PAY Tokens; these funds will be used to pay gas fees.

Click Enable and wait for the confirmation of the transaction.

After the confirmation, you can top up your Gas Wallet by clicking on the Deposit button.

Choose the preferred amount and click Confirm.

After the confirmation of the transaction, you can see the Gas Wallet balance. From here, you can withdraw your deposited tokens or, if you need to, deposit more.

Remember, if Autobiller is enabled on one of your plans, you can withdraw your funds but on the next billing attempt it will be automatically deactivated due to insufficient GasWallet funds.

For security reasons, an additional 24h timelock has been added to your funds, which means that if you want to make a withdrawal, you have to deactivate Autobiller from all your plans and wait for the timelock to end.

From the Gas Wallet section, you will be able to track your gas spent by selecting your preferred date range from the calendar.

8PAY Tiers

Tier Levels enable 8Pay users to choose their fee rate depending on how much they plan on using 8Pay’s features. When users stake more 8Pay to reach Platinum status, fees are reduced by as much as 100%.

You can check the Updated table from My Account section on the bottom left corner of the 8PAY’s UI.


🌎 WebApp: https://app.8pay.network/

🌎 Website: https://8pay.network/

💬 Telegram: @official_8pay

📢 ANN CHANNEL: https://t.me/ann_8PAY

🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/8Pay_network

#️⃣ GitHub: https://github.com/8pay

👇🏼 Where to Buy $8Pay 👇🏼

🥞 Pancakeswap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x6EaDc05928ACd93eFB3FA0DFbC644D96C6Aa1Df8&inputCurrency=BNB



Editor for

8PAY is an all-in-one payment protocol that enables quick and simple recurring transactions with digital currencies.