Hidden Figures: How to Budget for Your Pivot to UX

Jennifer (Houli) Houlihan
8px Magazine
Published in
7 min readMar 18, 2019


Tuition will get you a long way — but not all the way.

Hope you’ve been saving those pennies!

In “Build Your Own ‘UX Designer Starter Kit,’” I shared a list of everything I wish I’d known to bring on the first day of my UX Immersive course. Little did I know, that was just the tip of the spending iceberg.

If you’re starting to put together a budget to underwrite a career pivot to UX that includes a full-time immersive or bootcamp, take some time to anticipate the additional expenses over and above what your program charges for tuition. The coursework is intensive, and it deserves your full attention — don’t miss out on any of the value of your investment by stressing about finances when you could be working on wireframes, polishing your portfolio, or getting a good night’s sleep!

Some things won’t stop hitting your bank account.

Make sure you have enough savings in place to cover the ongoing life expenses for the period of your immersive or bootcamp. Your rent or mortgage, utilities, car payment, credit cards, cell phone, toll road fees, groceries, and other expenses won’t wait until you land that shiny new job.

If that means putting off your pivot until the next time the class is offered, that’s OK. You’ll get much more out of your experience if you aren’t…

