The intersect of UX and Marketing

Aishwarya Singh
8px Magazine
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2020

“There’s no sizzle without steaks” because hey, what’s the point of marketing if you don’t have a user-friendly product to offer?

If you built it will they come? If they come, will they be able to use it?

Ux is a foundation of marketing

UX is a foundation for all marketing. If we’re not focused on helping users make good decisions to overcome challenges and accomplish their goals, what’s the point?

Marketing without Ux is like throwing dart without an aim.

Empathy and Loyalty

In Ux we have empathy and in marketing loyalty. Can they go hand in hand ?

Well, yes!!

Empathy is something you can not inforced just like loyalty can not be purchased. It happens gradually with consistent brand and customers relationship and interactions that are positive, engaging, and rewarding. The only magic formula to do this is an excellent User experience.

So, Ux and Marketing can go together.

Well, not always or completely. They are opposite and they attract each other. Both are research driven. As marketing research goes by heavy numbering and data’s where as Ux finds the need of the user and their behaviour. But there are overlapping in research as well like group discussion, surveys, interview, articulate the personas. Etc.

Coming back to the topic “ the intersection of UX and Marketing"

While marketing and UX are unique and individual disciplines, they both rely on each other for a business to be successful. The customer does not distinguish between their user experience and their branding experience. Rather, both feed into a total, combine experience with any product or service.

If you’re one who is interested in both or planning to switch from one to another ;

“The day we become better designers is the day we start looking outside the design industry for inspiration.”

