So You Were Duped? Me Too /Part 1

Peggy Browning
Deal Me In
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022


Have you ever been duped? Perhaps you’ve been deceived by someone or something you thought was trustworthy. I have. I’ve been duped lots of times in myriad ways and for myriad reasons. I’ve learned dozens of important life lessons from being lied to. But, boy howdy, it sure hurt to be used, when I trusted I would be treated well and was being told the truth.

GIF by Beana1xg’s on Tenor

I like to believe I am being told the truth…in news, in relationships, in work situations, in religious meetings, and in advertisements for sales. I want to believe the car salesman. I want to believe the human resources person where I’m working. I want to believe that I work with kind people who do their jobs rather than continuing their mean girl shit from junior high school.

And all these things that I want to believe make me gullible when someone attempts to deceive me for their own gain.

I have examples galore that I could share.

Example #1

Photo by Mike B @

I bought a crappy car from a “Christian” tote-the-note car place. When the car died in front of the grocery store on its maiden voyage with me at the steering wheel, I called the manager to ask him to come to fix…



Peggy Browning
Deal Me In

Life is an experiment…a journey, not a destination. I like to write about it.