When Your Job Turns into a Stress Factory: Unconventional Tactics for the Modern Worker

Anne M Smith
Binky And Beyond
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2024

Tired of the same old “breathe deeply” advice? Let’s get real about job stress with some strategies you probably won’t find in your employee handbook:

Tired of the same old “breathe deeply” advice? Let’s get real about job stress with some strategies you probably won’t find in your employee handbook:

1. Adopt a Work Alter Ego: Create a confident work persona to tackle stressful situations. Give this alter ego a name and personality traits that embody confidence and calm. When anxiety strikes, ask yourself, “What would [Alter Ego Name] do?” Bonus: Great excuse for a power outfit that makes you feel invincible.

2. Gamify Your Anxiety: Turn stressors into a bingo game. Difficult client call? That’s a square! Surprise deadline? Another square! Hit bingo? Treat yourself to something nice. Create different cards for different weeks or projects. It’s about finding humor in the chaos and giving yourself small rewards for enduring tough situations.

3. The “Worry Hat” Technique: Designate a specific hat (or object) as your “worry receptacle”. Only allow yourself to stress when wearing it. Limit “hat time” to 15 minutes a day. This technique helps contain anxiety to a specific time and place, preventing it from spilling over into your entire workday.

4. Create a “Wins” Folder: Save every positive email, feedback, or accomplishment. Include screenshots of good work you’ve done or notes from meetings where you shined. Review it when imposter syndrome strikes or before big presentations. Remember: You’re more capable than your anxiety suggests, and you have the receipts to prove it.

5. The “Three Things” Rule: Before reacting to a stressful situation, name three things you’re grateful for about your job. Maybe it’s your friendly coworker, the view from your office, or the fact that you’re gaining valuable experience. This perspective shift can be a powerful antidote to panic and helps ground you in the positive aspects of your work.

6. Reverse Mentorship: Mentor a senior colleague in something you excel at (maybe it’s a new software, industry trend, or communication style). Teaching others boosts your confidence and reminds you of your unique value to the company. Plus, it builds positive relationships across hierarchies, which can reduce overall work anxiety.

7. Scheduled Venting Sessions: Set up a weekly “complaints club” with trusted co-workers. Get it all out, then leave it behind. Set a timer for 15 minutes of pure venting, followed by 15 minutes of brainstorming solutions. This provides a safe space for frustration while also channeling that energy into productive problem-solving.

8. The “Future You” Test: When facing a stressful decision, ask: “Will this matter to me in 5 years?” If not, it might not be worth the anxiety it’s causing now. This technique helps separate truly important issues from day-to-day stressors that feel big in the moment but are ultimately insignificant.

Remember, it’s okay if traditional methods aren’t your cup of stress-relief tea. The key is finding what works for you, even if it seems a little out there. Workplace well-being is too important to stick to one-size-fits-all solutions.

What’s the most unusual way you’ve dealt with work stress? Share your creative coping mechanisms below!



Anne M Smith
Binky And Beyond

Hopping through life's adventures with a bunny by my side. Metal head, horror fan, sports enthusiast, & foodie. Join Kenny & I as we binky beyond the ordinary!