95 Degrees Radio V2 is here!

95 Degrees
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2019

After weeks and weeks of development by our extremely talented developer VoidInVoid, we’re ready to roll out the next version of the 95 Degrees Radio! Void has compiled a list of all the new features and how they work.

New songs!
We’ve implemented a whole range of new songs to the default radio playlists. Listen out for them and tell us what you think by rating them!

Song Ratings
You can now rate songs playing in any of the default playlists, with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. We will use this information to find out which songs to remove if performing badly, or add similar songs to if performing well.

Schedule Overhaul
We’ve now updated the schedule so that themed playlists are active more often. You’ll now be able to listen to the Tuesday-Friday daytime playlists from 10am until 6pm server time.

Event subscriptions
You may now subscribe to events to be notified via a direct message whenever it happens in the future. Just click the 🔔 icon whenever you see a radio announcement.

Song ticker
You can now see more information about a song when it is playing in #radio. The channel topic will now display the currently playing song, the time elapsed, and the time remaining. If the song was suggested, it will also show the user who suggested it.

To reward avid listeners of the radio, you can now earn experience by listening to the radio. With experience, you can level up, which can unlock perks such as being able to skip songs when you’re alone, increase your maximum song length for suggestions, and increase the number of suggested songs you can queue at a time. Use !level at any time to check your current level.

Along with levelling, there will be a leaderboard in #live-leaderboards displaying the highest listeners for the week, which resets Monday at midnight server time. Moreover, the user listening the most each week will win a Degreecoin prize! We may also consider other ways to reward listeners in the future, too.

You can now unlock achievements! As a fun way to reward listeners, you will now be able to unlock achievements by completing certain tasks. The achievement list is not public, so achievements come with a surprise element to them too!

RPC client overhaul
The RPC client has been massively overhauled. It can now display the song queue, and will also allow you to link your account and suggest songs with an easy to use UI rather than just using #radio.

Download the RPC client here.

We’ve made other minor miscellaneous changes across the radio to make your experience better.

The future…
We still have much more planned for the radio! Once Guardian v2 is launched, the radio will become even more integrated with Guardian and the rest of the server. Stay tuned for more details.

Technical Information
This update has been in the works for a while now, with changes stemming back from the 7th of January. The reason being, that alongside many of these changes, there has been a complete overhaul of the Radio’s system. The Radio is now entirely database based rather than flat-file based, as it was previously. This has allowed many of these features to become possible, and paves the way for much easier integration with Guardian and other features such as management systems for the radio. It will also make updates easier in the future.

Hope you enjoy the radio update! -Void

