The Degreecoin Handbook

95 Degrees
Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2019

How do I get Degreecoins and what can I do with them? Good question. We’ve got the answers.

Ways to Earn Degreecoin

Right now, you can earn Degreecoins by:

  • Getting a Streak (talking in voice channels for ~15 minutes and/or in #cafe for a certain amount of messages)
  • Listening to the 95 Degrees Radio (1 minute = 1 Degreecoin)
  • Winning Double Or Nothing — [!don 10] starts a game with 10 Degreecoin on the table. With each button push, you’ve got a chance of doubling your money or losing it all!
  • Unlocking Achievements (there’s no list.)
  • Winning the Lottery (when they run)
  • Using [!d bump] in #bot-spam

Ways to Spend Degreecoin

So far, you can spend Degreecoin by:

  • Ordering a coffee — [!order Hot Chocolate] will allow you to order a virtual Hot Chocolate using Degreecoin. We plan to add more to this, including a system where Staff members have to manually ‘serve’ you your order.
  • Playing Double Or Nothing — [!don 10] starts a game with 10 Degreecoin on the table. With each button push, you’ve got a chance of doubling your money or losing it all!
  • Buying Lottery tickets
  • Gnoming users — yes, this is a thing. [!gnome Nath] sends a gnome to Nath’s DMs. You don’t need to ping people for this to work!
  • Buying the Custom Role — use [!role] to view information about the Custom Role. If you buy it, you can use [!role name] and [!role colour] to customise it.

That’s all for now! I’ll update this when new stuff is added! -Nath

