20* Sakulchai Sikitikul

99 *
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

Born in 1974 in Hat Yai. Sakulchai graduated in Decorative Arts from Silpakorn University. He began interested in street photography in 2011 and joined Street Photo Thailand (SPT) in 2013. His works are inspired by paintings and works of many renowned photographers such as Alex Webb , Henri Cartier Bresson , David Alan Harvey , Nikos Ecomopolus, etc. Even though Sakulchai lives in a place which is not quite familiar or popular for street photographers, he can smoothly apply his street photography skills with his hometown’s culture and create outstanding works from them. Most of his stunning works focus on layering and arranging elements in the scene which radiate both of creativity and feeling of romantic culture. His works are shown internationally in a lot of street photography festivals. Also Sakulchai is known as one of most talented and respected Thai street photographers in this time.

