99Pool Breaks the Game

99Ex Exchange
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020

Difficulties in Obtaining Traffic

Trading platforms are emerging one after another, and users have become a battleground for all major trading platforms. The coins’ price frequently rises and falls due to the appearance of contracts. Moreover, the bull run is short while the bearish market is long so that the remaining small platforms with weak competitiveness are still lingering. Everyone wants to find new tipping points and acquire more users to survive.

First Advertising&Fund Management Platform

The blockchain industry either lost it’s heart while gaining profits forgetting that the essence of blockchain is inclusive finance or it does not make money, such as public chain projects owners, which have no reasonable profit model and are defined as a “non-profit organization”. It is difficult to make a breakthrough for the time being. Even the well-known mainstream public chain have not formed a good commercial closed loop, especially after the commercial closed loop of simple financial logic. 99Pool connects advertising, human attention, financial management and with the parent company 99EX Exchange four-in-one to create the first non-pure financial business model that conforms to the spirit of the blockchain.

99Pool Mode

99Pool is a cloud mining platform featuring advertising + asset management, including advertising mining, pledge mining, asset management mining, transaction mining, task mining, and 5 mining forms. Users can watch ads and pledge Tokens, participation in financial management, transactions, completion of tasks and other ways to participate in mining, currently the most popular is the reinvestment mining machine, a certain token is mined every day, and there is a certain income every day.

Business Closed Loop

Advertising mining is easy for users to view while making profits and suitable for project owners to drive traffic on mining platform. Good content and advertising formats will attract users’ attention to view ads and even view more after they are rewarded by doing it. Users become more aware of the platform, loyal to the platform, and promote stickiness with platform at the same time. More importantly, the rewards that users receive will also achieve compound growth in assets through asset management. This is a powerful and self-consistent ecosystem of five roles: attention, token economy, asset management, mining platform, and project owners.

Acquire Customers

The number of 99Ex users exceeded one million, number of daily active users exceeded 200,000. Thanks to the help of 99Pool in the past six months, the number of users has exploded. The digital currency market is changing rapidly and competition is fierce. The 99Ex team has deployed ahead of schedule and developed different products for different user attributes. As an important part of the 99Ex ecology, 99Pool has opened up the customer portal for 99Ex through user fission and market channel sinking. In the digital currency industry where the transaction volume is shrinking, 99Ex and 99Pool open up the incremental market to provide users with a reliable platform to help a steady stream of users achieve the goal of asset appreciation.

