
Reflections on CES 2024

Ryan Lingo
99P Labs
12 min readJan 16, 2024


Welcome to “Software-defined Reflections on CES 2024.” The title’s blank space and ‘.ai’ are more than mere gimmicks; they’re a playful acknowledgment of this year’s Consumer Electronics Show’s dominant themes: the ubiquitous ‘software-defined’ concept and the AI invasion in product design.

Navigating the CES landscape, it was apparent that the definition of ‘smart’ has evolved. Not confined to phones or computers, ‘smart’ now permeates everything from the most basic home appliances to cutting-edge automotive innovations. Each claimed its ‘software-defined’ identity with an AI twist. This year’s showcase ranged from AI-infused fridges that generate recipes based on their contents to cars boasting unprecedented AI-driven autonomy. These terms were omnipresent, yet behind their repetitive chants, a shift was underway.

This blog is my attempt to decode this shift. We’ll dive into what ‘software-defined’ really signifies, the role of AI in reshaping products, and, importantly, if these trends represent true innovation or mere technological echo. Join me in navigating the expanse of CES 2024 as we explore the broader trends and assess the real impact of these technological advances.

Software-Defined Everything: A New Tech Paradigm

The concept of ‘software-defined’ is becoming more than just industry jargon in consumer electronics — it signifies a significant shift in thinking. This idea was everywhere at CES 2024, with numerous products from different industries claiming to be software-defined, and one even going so far as to call itself ‘software-differentiated.’ But what makes a device truly software-defined? While it is still an evolving concept, the following three characteristics are central.

Dynamic Functionality: The first key idea behind ‘software-defined’ is that its core functions are primarily determined by software rather than hardware. This shift enables capabilities to be added, upgraded, or modified through software updates alone, without physical changes. In other words, software-defined transforms devices from static to dynamic. It moves them from having hard-coded, unchanging features to being adaptable systems that can evolve along with users’ needs and preferences. Rather than concrete functions set in hardware stone, the possibilities become flexible and fluid when defined in code. This transition from hardware to software-based feature sets allows devices to stay relevant and gain new skills over time through software alone.

Example from CES of a company identifying as Software-Defined

Ecosystem Integration: The second crucial element of being ‘software-defined’ is the ability to integrate into broader ecosystems. This ecosystem integration promises seamless communication and interaction between products and services, creating a unified and streamlined user experience. For instance, a software-defined smart home system could connect with and control various appliances throughout the home. By linking these devices together through software, the hypothesis is the system can deliver significantly enhanced overall efficiency, convenience, and capabilities. The software coordinates the ecosystem, allowing disjointed products to operate harmoniously. So ecosystem integration is a crucial benefit of software-defined technology, allowing separate devices to overcome hardware limitations and work together in powerful new ways.

Another company from CES identifying as Software-defined.

Customization and Personalization: The third and final key aspect of ‘software-defined’ is the increased customization and personalization capabilities. With software driving the experience, products can adapt and mold themselves around individual user needs and preferences rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. The fluid nature of software enables ongoing fine-tuning to match each user’s behaviors and desires. So, while hardware intrinsically provides a fixed, impersonal experience, software allows products to deliver truly tailored and dynamic experiences for each user. This adaptability allows a single product to cater to diverse preferences and use cases through personalized software configurations. In short, software-defined enables customization that hardware cannot flexibly provide.

The Inevitability of the Trend

The transition to software-defined solutions is inevitable in today’s technology landscape, where adaptability, ecosystem integration, and personalization have become fundamental consumer needs. In an era where users expect their devices to evolve continuously with their changing requirements, software provides the optimal medium for ongoing flexibility and enhancement — the limitations of fixed hardware pale compared to the endless possibilities enabled by adaptable software. Consequently, as consumer demand shifts decisively toward products that can harmonize with broader ecosystems and mold to individual preferences, software-defined technology will only continue its ascendance. The age of static devices with hardcoded functions is coming to an end. The future points decisively toward an era of dynamic, flexible products — with software at the helm — that can shape themselves to users’ evolving desires.

Early Stages of the Trend

Although the software-defined concept was widely displayed at CES, it’s essential to recognize that this paradigm shift remains in the early phases. The revolution is just starting for many product categories dipping into software-defined capabilities. Most companies are still exploring the possibilities and laying the groundwork. The initial software features they offer represent just the tip of the iceberg regarding of the profound potential the software’s flexibility enables. As products progressively transition from hardware to software-based DNA, we will continue to see rapid evolution and expansion in their adaptive, customizable, and integrative superpowers. The software-defined movement has only scratched the surface — as it matures, we will witness how profoundly software can elevate products.

Implications for the Future

As the software-defined trend matures, it foreshadows a future where products evolve beyond static hardware limitations. We can expect devices to become continuously adaptable, personalized, and integrated into broader ecosystems through fluid software. Products will shed one-size-fits-all designs for flexible experiences tailored to users’ changing needs. Software updates will enable products to improve and expand their capabilities over time rather than remaining fixed at launch. This shift also hints at extended product lifespans, as software refinements can refresh and rejuvenate existing hardware. Ultimately, the possibilities are wide open — the software-defined revolution will likely transform our relationship with technology across many fronts. As products transform into adaptive, customizable platforms through clever software, users stand to benefit from more empowering and intensely personalized technologies that progress in step with their imaginations.

The prominence of the ‘software-defined’ concept at CES 2024 signifies that this paradigm is far more than just a fleeting trend — it represents the future identity of consumer electronics. Beyond the hype, it points toward an approaching era of responsive and personalized technology that can evolve with users’ ever-changing needs. More than just fixed tools, our devices are progressively transforming into adaptive companions for life’s journeys. This shift will allow products to transcend hardware limitations and become flexible platforms that can grow through software alone. Just as software has radically reshaped our computers and smartphones, bringing frequent enhancements and new possibilities, it now stands ready to revolutionize the entire electronics landscape. Consumers can look forward to technologies that reflect and empower their unique lives with ever-greater fluency as this movement matures.

AI’s Increasing Role in Product Reimagination

At CES 2024, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into consumer products was no longer just a rising trend — it felt like an industry mandate, a directive handed down rather than an organic innovation bubbling up. AI was injected into devices everywhere, but its implementation often came across as forced. This ubiquity highlights the complex balance between meaningful AI integration versus superficial market-driven inclusion.

On one hand, AI has immense potential to revolutionize products when thoughtfully designed around user needs. But the rush to claim AI-enabled features also risks overly contrived implementations that offer little substantive value. As AI becomes a baseline consumer expectation, companies must focus on seamless integrations that provide utility, not just flashy buzzwords.

The central question is how to harness AI’s power to augment products intelligently while avoiding gimmicky integrations. At CES 2024, the gap between substantive and superficial AI was fully displayed — a preview of the winding path for consumers, companies, and AI alike.

Example of a vehicle product attempting to incorporate LLM technology.

The AI Infusion: A Top-Down Approach

As I alluded to before, integrating AI into many products was driven by a top-down directive rather than a considered assessment of its benefits. The infusion of AI stemmed from a desire to check the latest market trend box, not necessarily enhance the user experience. This led to a scattered spectrum — some intuitive, seamless integrations, but many felt forced or counterproductive.

While the most compelling use cases tapped AI’s strengths to augment human abilities elegantly, many implementations layered AI buzzwords onto products without straightforward utility. This disconnect hints at a crucial question — should AI be an expected baseline feature or thoughtfully applied where appropriate? Its haphazard presence in areas like smart toilets, pillows, and baby bottles highlights the difficult balance between innovation and integration for its own sake.

Balancing Act: Innovation vs. Practicality

One downside of the rushed push for AI was apparent in the misalignment between capabilities and applications across some products. In the scramble to check the AI inclusion box, certain implementations felt superfluous or counterintuitive, solving no real user needs and overlooking AI’s strengths and limitations.

This points to a pivotal balancing act — aligning AI integrations with practical utility rather than forced inclusion driven by market hype. The central question should be: Does this integration provide actual value and meaningfully improve the experience?

As interest in AI grows, companies must evaluate its applications intelligently, ensuring they provide actual utility without over-automating consumers’ lives. For AI to evolve into an empowering rather than intrusive presence, its embedding must flow from a user-centric ethos, patiently evaluating how it can augment human skills and perspectives.

An example of a company all in on AI

Looking Ahead

The future remains bright for AI integration done right — with care, purpose, and users at the top of mind. As AI capabilities advance, products should progressively transition from superficial AI inclusion to seamless, value-adding integration.

Steering this shift will require an evolution in thinking — from viewing AI as a marketable feature to seeing it as an empowering tool for enhancing lives. Companies have an opportunity to become thoughtful curators, harnessing AI to elevate products in meaningful ways aligned with human priorities.

In summary, CES 2024 offered a preview of the potential and pitfalls of integrating emerging technologies like AI and software-defined architectures into consumer products. As we transition into a critical reflection, the key question is: how much of what we saw represents meaningful progress versus marketplace hype?

In the next section, we will analyze the gap between over-promotion and practical value when it comes to AI and software-defined. This includes reflecting on the future as these technologies mature from buzzwords into robust product enhancements. Most importantly, we will discuss how companies can move beyond marketing gimmicks to incorporate substantive improvements focused on ease of use, versatility, and tangible value for consumers’ lives. The goal is to provide suggestions for elevating products through considered integration guided by human-centric design thinking.

Critical Reflection: Overhype vs. Practical Value

CES 2024 fully displayed the hype cycle surrounding “software-defined” and AI products. In this section, we take a step back for critical reflection — analyzing where the real progress lies beneath the buzzwords. Slicing through the hype requires examining these trends with a nuanced lens to understand their current strengths and limitations. We aim to explore the contours between promising potential and premature promotion to gauge the emerging tangible value. This necessitates asking questions like: Are these technologies currently realizing meaningful benefits for users or being force-fitted into products? What aspects represent substantive advances versus speculative buzz? What role should marketing play in driving measured tech innovation aligned to human needs? We can cultivate a thoughtful outlook on how these emerging technologies can evolve from hype toward practical value by peering behind the curtain of hype.

Overhyped Innovations

In the race to be seen as innovative, integrating software-defined and AI capabilities is sometimes more about hype than meaningfully improving products and experiences. Many implementations appear driven by buzzword priorities rather than aligning capabilities to applications where they can provide tangible value. This leads to products boasting forced or superficial AI and software-defined features that contribute negligible practical benefits.

This over-promotion highlights essential questions — are these technologies currently necessary or beneficial across all products exhibiting them? Or are companies preemptively overextending capabilities beyond what users want or need? There is immense potential in thoughtfully matching these emerging technologies to applications that can provide real utility. However, the rush to integrate them in any possible way risks overhyped innovation that does not align with human-centric design principles. As companies navigate hype cycles, they should carefully evaluate whether capabilities like AI and software-defined architectures can substantially improve a given product before implementation.

The Breakthrough Promise

Despite instances of over-hype, software-defined architectures and AI hold genuine transformative potential when thoughtfully integrated. When aligned with user needs, these technologies can significantly enhance product adaptability, efficiency, and personalization. The key is discerning where actual versus marketed value lies.

The ultimate test will be whether implementations of these capabilities add tangible improvements to people’s experiences. This necessitates moving beyond buzzword-driven gimmicks to elevating the human experience through technology. Carefully matched software-defined features can make interactions more seamless and empowering. Meanwhile, context-aware AI can enable next-level personalization and anticipatory assistance.

However, realizing this breakthrough promise requires evaluating where these capabilities can create substantive benefits rather than novelty alone. Companies can unlock immense possibilities by shifting priorities from hype-first to human-centric design. The future will likely see software and AI elevate products from fixed and isolated to flexible, intuitive, and personalized — when integration stems from practical value rather than marketing priorities alone.

Strategic Integration: Focusing on Long-Term User Value

For companies navigating hype cycles, evaluating emerging capabilities based on meaningful integration that elevates user experiences is imperative. Rather than rushing to adopt buzzworthy technologies like AI and software-defined architectures, the focus should shift to strategic implementation.

This involves carefully considering how leveraging these tools can enhance products’ core functionality and deliver tangible benefits for consumers’ lives. The goal should be curating technology for intuitive, seamless, responsive interactions.

Additionally, thoughtful integration allows for imbuing products with greater adaptability and longevity. Software-defined elements enable products to meet changing consumer demands flexibly over extended lifespans. Meanwhile, context-aware AI facilitates increased personalization across diverse user needs.

In summary, these technologies carry immense potential to usher in a new era of empowering, sustainable products — but only if implementation aligns with human-centric design thinking. Companies can unlock exponential benefits through technological innovation by tuning out the hype and strategically focusing on practical user value.

Map of CES 2024 North Hall.


In summary, the innovation potential surrounding AI and software-defined technologies must align with their current capacity to significantly enhance consumer experiences. While the long-term promise rests in their transformative capabilities, substantive integration lags behind hype-driven promotion today. Companies must see through the buzzword haze and instead steadfastly focus implementation on solving users’ actual needs and elevating human-centric design.

The way forward requires tuning out trend-chasing mentalities fixated on novelty and carefully evaluating where these emerging tools can drive accessibility, sustainability, and tangible utility. Despite over-marketing, the building blocks now exist to unlock a new era of intuitive, responsive, and empowering consumer products — one rooted in practical user value over flashy integration. However, realizing this reality will be incumbent on companies prioritizing purposeful innovation tailored to users’ evolving needs rather than marketplace hype.

By looking beyond the surface-level hype and realigning development to human priorities, the possibilities stretch far for technology and business alike. But this untapped potential begins with the small but mighty step of questioning the hype and embracing meaningful progress focused squarely on elevating life experiences through practical innovations. More eyes on this North Star — and patience in following its guidance — will set the trajectory toward transformative yet grounded change, one thoughtful integration at a time.

Suppose you found this analysis compelling and wish to stay connected. In that case, we invite you to explore more perspectives by subscribing to the 99P Labs’ blog, connecting with us on LinkedIn, or reaching out to collaborate. Through ongoing dialogue, we can drive technology innovation responsibly — aligning incredible capabilities to the experiences that matter most. We see a bright future ahead when technological hype gives way to practical human priorities, and we welcome you to realize it with us.



Ryan Lingo
99P Labs

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