Swift Design Pattern: Observer Pattern

Listen, then act.

Muhammad Ridho K. Pratama
Ridho's Personal Note
2 min readApr 28, 2017


image taken from here

Today, I’m going to explain about observer pattern and implementation in Swift. So what is that?

Real world case

Imagine that you’re a firefighter who is always ready for the emergency call when there’s something aflame. If there’s a call coming from somewhere to your handy talkie, you must prepare your perks and get ready to extinguish the flame.


So, observer pattern is a design pattern which emphasized on object reaction when there’s a change or another events from Observable. From above example, handy talkie act as Observable, to give a notification to Observer (firefighter).


Observer has a characteristics to fulfill the pattern as follows:

  1. Has a observables
  2. Attaching & removing observables
  3. Notify the observables about the changes


So, this pattern contains 2 protocols, Observable and Observer and some of concrete class or struct which conform with Observable or Observer protocol.

Every observer has a method update<T>(with:) to react with observable’s data changes.

So, this is generic Observable which their value type can be set by any types, such as String , Bool , Int , or even closures.

Now, we’re going to make the class which conform the Observable protocol, we can name it Variable for example. Class Variable is generic, so you can define the variable’s value type whatever you want.

We have a private attributes, _value and _observers . These attributes is used to store a value and list of observers that can be retrieved or set through get/set properties.

If we set value property, it will call notifyAllObservers<T>(with:) to notify all observers that has been registered before.

Now, we’re going to make a class which conform Observer protocol. This object which instantiated from this class can react with observer’s data changes when registered to Observer. We name it, MyObserver .

There’s a update<T>(with:) method that can be used to react with observer data changes, and retrieve a new value from observer.

Now, write this driver program as follows to test the observable and observer is working or not.

So, if we run that driver program, it will have a output like this


It works :)

What’s next?

I hope you’ll understand about how to implement observer design pattern in Swift and understand how it works, because NotificationCenter or KVO mechanism are built on top of observer pattern. If there’s something that can’t be understood, let me know in the comment. Cheers.

