Where can I find outstanding mobile app templates?

99Steem Marketplace
6 min readDec 20, 2020
mobile app templates
Mobile app templates

As a developer when you are making a new mobile application you may find it a bit hard to start from nothing, so is there a place where you can go whenever you need a mobile app template?

In this article, we will explore how you can find a wide variety of Android and IOS app templates and mobile app solutions.

Similar to application developers, when a business is looking to launch its first mobile application they really want to see what other similar businesses have done, and also they want to figure out how they can reduce their cost of development or maybe get a push start for building their own mobile application.

In both, cases developers, as well as businesses, are looking for mobile app templates or mobile apps solutions that can be used as a foundation to build outstanding mobile app upon. For a long, this idea of a mobile app template wasn’t quite popular. Reason being that there were no such marketplaces that were offering such a solution so developers, as well as other businesses, had to do all the stuff from scratch.

How much does it cost to make a mobile application?

Before we get into the list of outstanding mobile application templates, we first need to know how much does it cost to make a mobile app.

If you are looking to start a mobile application from scratch you have to consider a lot of different things for example you have to consider the wireframe of the mobile application. If you are not an expert you would need help, from the very start you need help from a designer to create a design of your mobile application, so that the idea that you have about your mobile app can be shaped into a design so a developer can work upon the design to make your mobile application live.

After that, once your design is ready and the wireframe is confirmed you’d have to now go to a mobile app developer and he would have to work on that design from very scratch and would have to make all of that functional for you which takes 100’s of hours. If we talk about a normal scale application in general a normal application with about 10 screens costs from $5,000 to about $15,000 depending upon the complexity of the features that are a part of that application.

Now let’s talk about what if we were using a mobile apps template to create a business application.

If you were to use a readymade mobile app template to make it a foundation for your mobile application it would reduce your cost by more than half. As you don’t have to look for a graphic designer to have the design ready you don’t have to pay the developer all those extra hours that he had to put to make the full application.

All you have to do now is to choose a mobile app template that is almost near to what you may need for your business and find a developer who can make some minor changes for you and add your branding to the application. That’s it you are all set to launch your own mobile application.

On average, a business using a mobile app template saves 70% in mobile app development. With all that extra money that you save with a mobile app template, you can now spend that money to advertise your business.

Where can I find outstanding mobile app templates?

99steem is a marketplace that provides you with a wide variety of mobile applications, from basic applications to a complex application something like uber, or even more complex applications like Facebook or any other social media.

You can find almost every single sort of Android app templates, as well as iOS app, templates on 99steem. The wide variety of these mobile app templates are made available by 10’s of different software houses and developers around the world who are providing extraordinary solutions at the 99steem marketplace.

Uber clone mobile app template

Cabon — Uber clone app template and app script for your taxi app idea
Cabon - Uber clone app template and app script for your taxi app idea

Uber clone mobile app template and mobile app solution is the state of the art mobile application solution that can be adopted by almost any taxi or cab business to launch their own Uber kind of business. This mobile application consists of many great features like built-in wallet, driver application, the user application, and many other features that are a part of the actual Uber app. You can find all those features in this Uber clone solution.

The Uber clone application comes with a backend where you can manage your Uber clone applications without any issues you can manage users you can reply to users' requests, you can even refund payments if required. You may also manage how quickly or how long it should take for a driver to get his payment.

All these great features you can find with this Uber clone application that is available now on 99steem.

Uber eats clone app template

Uber eats have become an amazing way for millions of people around the world to be able to order their food without any issues. All they have to do is to choose the food that they love and that's it. Food gets delivered by a delivery person on their door.

A user can order food from any restaurants nearby and all those restaurants registered with the Uber eats gets that food almost instantly.

Uber eats solves a great problem that connects three different types of users.

  • The user itself who is ordering the food
  • 2nd is the restaurant that is providing that food
  • The third one is the delivery person who is delivering that food

With this kind of business modal, there are three different sorts of people connected to the application that makes this business pretty huge and Uber being the middle man gets most of the profit out of it.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, a lot of entrepreneurs and businesses are looking for similar kinds of platforms and similar sort of readymade solutions that can help them launch uber eats kind of platforms in their own City country, and region.

With Uber eats clone mobile application you can solve a lot of problems almost instantly this platform is 100% built for all three different types of users there are four applications in total.

  • one is the business manager app by using which the restaurant owner can manage his business.
  • The second application is the restaurant application that is inside the restaurant that the restaurant will use to get the orders from the users.
  • The third application is the user application that users use to order the food at their doorsteps
  • The fourth and the last application of this Uber eats mobile app solution is the driver application that driver uses to deliver the food at the user's place.

You can now get this great pack of Uber eats script at 99steem.

Tiktok clone application

Tiktok is a short video streaming application that has recently received more than a billion downloads all around the world this application is a China-based application that’s pretty popular among teenagers and celebrities.

TikTok has been banned in many countries and entrepreneurs and businesses in those countries are looking to grab this opportunity to launch a great similar Tik Tok Clone application for their country’s audience.

With the TikTok clone application and the Tik Tok clone apps script, anybody can launch a similar application like TikTok within 72 hours.

This amazing mobile apps solution for the TikTok application is now available at 99steem.

Facebook clone application

A lot of people are inspired by Facebook and the way it has revolutionized people’s lives and many entrepreneurs are looking forward to launching similar applications.

With social media application template available on 99steem anybody can launch a similar application like Facebook.

Things like posting pictures, videos, and text on to the timeline. Following somebody and sending a voice note or sending a message to a friend all of that is possible with social media app template.

The template is now available at 99steem and you can download it anytime.

So these were some of the most popular mobile application templates those are available as 99 stream along with them there are tens in tens of thousands of more mobile application templates those are ready to be used for your business or your idea visit 99 steam now to get your on mobile application today.



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