How to prepare for Javascript interview: Frontend/backend Developer

Tutort Academy
3 min readMar 2, 2023

For front-end interviews, a basic understanding of JavaScript is required. The best FAANG+ businesses typically dedicate an entire onsite interview round to testing JS basics, and this phase can make or break your chances of landing a job at your ideal company.

When covering full stack backend and frontend, which is a very popular and large topic,

I suggest the following:

  • No matter what tools or libraries you use, huge organizations like Google and Facebook, etc. will prefer you have a CS degree and a solid grasp of Data Structures and Algorithms; therefore, practicing Javascript will impress them if you can solve such kinds of difficulties.
  • As a full-stack Java developer, you will be performing the same tasks that front-end and back-end PHP/Java developers formerly performed.
  • The book’s good Javascript sections cover all the features of closures, prototypes, bubbling, hoisting, etc.
  • Practice testing frameworks, CSS compilers, packaging, node, react, mongoDB, etc., and finish at least one project on your own using Firebase or Amazon and something like a profile responsive website.
  • Build a GitHub or portfolio website and add the URL to your CV to get invited for an interview.

There are two phases to interviews for JavaScript (or frontend) roles.

Your familiarity with the programming language JavaScript

Your aptitude for problem-solving and JavaScript coding are both crucial (to varied degrees depending on the type of job you’re going for) and aid interviewers in determining which candidates would be the best for the current task.

As a programming language, JavaScript

JavaScript programmers are typically required to comprehend the language’s inner workings. If you comprehend what prototypical inheritance is, how event loops and callbacks operate, etc., you would perform exceptionally well in this type of interview.

Several interviewers concentrate on posing queries regarding subjects like

Values vs. Reference, JavaScript’s “this” syntax,

Prototypical Inheritance: What Is It?

Your familiarity with callbacks, etc.

You should enroll in a course at Tutort Academy to learn about the additional interview questions that may be asked; the instructors are business professionals who are knowledgeable about the subject matter and the operations of the firm and will provide you with the best possible guidance.

JavaScript for the Issue solving abilities

You must apply your understanding of data structures and algorithms to address brief coding problems during this type of interview. Take an online course from Tutort Academy to get visualizationssualisations and JavaScript source code for 80+ problems like Binary Search, Check whether two binary trees are Equal, Reverse a Singly Linked List, etc. if you’re seeking a resource to help you prepare for such interviews.

Here are some significant JavaScript interview questions that might be asked:

A Promise: What Is It? Why choose promises over callbacks, exactly?

What are values that are true and false?

What does a function? bind() method perform, and what is its signature?

What is the primary distinction and. apply? ().

What are the JavaScript primitives?

How are == and == different from one another? Is JavaScript single- or multi-threaded?

What assurances does an arrow function provide? What would you do if they didn’t?

You might also use JavaScript to ask the following intriguing code questions:

The interviews for UI positions examine every aspect of your knowledge of JS foundations, your capacity for problem-solving and DSA, as well as how well you match the company. You must be equipped for these. To obtain the greatest deal possible from some of the You will require a lot of practice in both problem-solving and behavioral components if you want to work with corporations (FAANG+ enterprises). To attempt this alone may be so terrifying!


Whether you are looking to prepare for interview for frontend or backend javascript developer the online course that is mentioned above would be really helpful if you want to improve your front-end engineering interview preparation, solidify front-end engineering concepts, ace the front-end engineering interview, and need a roadmap for the preparation process. You can attend live classes and interact with instructors who are currently employed at FAANG and other top-tier companies. This course covers all topics that might be covered in an initial interview.



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