Why Python Is So Essential For Machine Learning

Tutort Academy
4 min readDec 14, 2021

Machine Learning is the new black in the Information technology Industry!! All the cool kids use its which includes NASA. They use machine learning to make their spacecraft travel faster and further as well.

The rest of the gang that is Google, Uber, and Tesla, also befriended it. There is at least one more thing these have in common. Most of these companies use Python as their most preferred language for their machine learning projects.

So, here are some of the reasons why Python is so essential for machine learning: —

1- Flexibility

Python is an Object-Oriented, extensible, and flexible language which means that it can be used with other programming languages to achieve the desired result. It provides an option to the developer to choose between scripting or OOPs. Additionally, it does not require recompilation of the source code, making it easier to view the results. Due to flexibility in nature, it gives the developer a safe environment and reduces the chances of mistakes.

2- Platform Independent

To be able to work on multiple environments and Operating systems which includes Unix, Linux, Windows, macOS, etc., is one of the biggest advantages of Python. Developers can write and implement the code on one platform and then run it on another with minimal changes. This means that no significant changes are required to migrate the source code. When it requires transferring the code from one platform to the other, you can use a package such as PyInstaller that will take care of any dependency issues.

3- It has a great library ecosystem

One of the significant reasons Python is the preferred language for machine learning is its access to many libraries. A library is a collection of routines and functions that a programming language can use. Having access to several libraries allows the developers to perform typical tasks without rewriting many code lines. Since machine learning heavily relies on statistics, mathematical optimization, and probability. Python libraries help data scientists to perform various studies easily.

4- Versatility

Python has been in business for more than one decade, and with time, it has become more versatile and robust. It has the potential for implementations in software development, operations, and working and handling cloud computing infrastructures, among others.

To manage large data volume, it also works as a data handling backed tool with Spark support. The versatility of this language makes it support structured programming, object-oriented programming, and functional programming patterns, among others. Additionally, with its common applications in data science and machine learning, you can also use it in gaming, framework, development, and networking, among others.

5- Huge Community and Popularity

Having strong community support helps in a programming language in various ways, especially when it is an open-source language. Python is free, comes with useful tools and libraries, and its documentation can be accessed online. Programmers can discuss their problem statements on forums and have conversations with others to find solutions. The popularity of Python was reinstated in the Developer Survey 2020 by Stack Overflow, which named Python as the top 5 most programming languages.

Bottom Line

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep learning have a profound effect on the world we live in, with new solutions coming up day after day. Organizations have realized that there is no better time than now to invest in these technologies. And thus, learning Python or getting trained in Python is the need of the hour to start building applications and systems in it. By simply considering all the features and benefits that Python used to provide, the decision of which programming language to choose for the AI, ML, and DL are obvious.

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