DMme times: Patience rewarded

4 min readJul 20, 2019

Published by: Bio_Logik

Date: 18th July 2019

A common characteristic of many projects is the notion of time. Once the initial excitement and hard work of launching an idea, a service or a product is over, the waiting game settles in, most of the time with unwanted consequences. The crypto community is the most dynamic and prosperous one, it is also at time the most inpatient and ungrateful. However, the long term holder and supporter of the DMme project do not fall in this latest category. Their support and willingness to wait, knowing great things will come as been exemplary.

The Digital Agency used for the DMme app development has been working hard on the code, as we explained in this article, they encountered some security challenges that needed to be addressed before being able to move onto the graphical interface. Those challenges are now resolved and the dev team has started working on the visual presentation of the DMme app. While work is still in progress, it is satisfying to be able to show the first snippet of our future app, as much for us as for our community.

Without further ado, let’s show what we have in store:

Home Screen

Home Screen: a simple and self explanatory interface. As we mention times over, DMme app won’t link your phone number to an account. So your mobile provider is not involve with the app, which voids certain type of tracking, especially from authorities will they want to snoop on your private life. This also means that the registration process is very fast, no need to wait to receive a code to then input into the app for authorisation.

Messages Screen

Messages screen: A list of all your messages, the lock icon on the top left of each thread means that it is secure and encrypted. The same icon on the top right is to start a new conversation. We also have the ‘hamburger’ (3 lines top left) which opens the main menu and settings of the app. We included a search option too. All those features are pretty standard and common to all messaging app.

Conversation Screen

Conversation Screen: We have a notification that all messages are encrypted, and we find here standard features such as write, send, name and pic of the contact. We also have the 3 dots on the top right for further settings. Most app offers pics/attachements etc… beside the writing box, this is something that has not been implemented yet but will be in future releases.

Contact Screen

Contact Screen: Again, a screen similar to what you would expect from any messaging app. We have still some tweaks to do but this is the first draft and it does the job expected.

We now have a taste of the future of the DMme messaging app. Yes, there are many things to be implemented still, and we are on the right path to do so. The main point is that now, we officially have a product, not only an idea. This is an exciting time. We all know that crypto is a highly challenging and demanding space, so achieving the first step toward a fully working product is a real milestone that should be viewed as the start of more coming up in the next weeks or months. We will still face challenges, and we will still have delays, however, we know we are on the right track and it is much easier to discuss our project when we have those kind of images to show. Soon we will be able to share video of the app in real use. We are expecting the next update release mid-September and we will share the latest improvements. We will be able to see and compare the work accomplished between 2 releases, this will give a good indication of a final product being released. Stay tuned!!

DMme Project:









Keen interest in blockchain technologies and their applications for a better world