DMme weekly: Rebranding, listing and cold staking

4 min readMay 26, 2019


Published by: Bio_Logik

Date: 25th May 2019

After last week initial starting phase of rebranding, with our new logo being integrated, things have settled in and we are moving steadily now. We have acquired the domain which is great. While it is not in itself something worthy of being called an update or a news, contextually, it confers the project many benefits:

  • A freshen-up of the old website was needed. Amongst other things the font and flashy colors were not pleasing to all. While we acknowledge this, we thought it gives the project an edge and makes it stand out from the crowd.
  • The outlook of it did not portrayed well the seriousness of DMme. Whilst we drafted the website urgently, just before the genesis block, we did not take time to later update it.
  • The old website was build with a Wordpress template. There is nothing wrong with it, Wordpress is a great tool, however, many sees it as a details of ‘amateurism’ or even illegitimate project (you can build a site in minutes).
  • will be built on bootstrap framework, with a real web developer behind it, so it will give a much better image of the project as a whole
  • We will have sub-domains to differentiate the app from the tokens. Although, both are intertwined, we feel that they should not be mixed on the same domains.

We are working on the site offline and a simple landing page has been made on the new domain. We do not give an ETA for it to be completed, but we would expect to have the first page up by the end of the week. The sub-domain, more likely will have all the specifications of the token, all the information regarding exchange and different platforms as well as the use case and a built in explorer. This will enable us to approach certain high end exchanges for listing. It will also provides us with an easier approach when seeking investors.

Regarding exchanges, as mentionned before, we will be delisted from HotDex, while it is a good decentralised exchange, we cannot allow for now to be in lower end market exchanges. As a replacement and to stay in the DEX space, we have paid for the listing at Cryptobridge. We are waiting for a confirmation from the decentralised exchange for an official date, we expect to be listed this week. This will become our second official exchange. We are talking with other top exchanges to list DMme. Once done, we will immediately get on the big name in this space: CoinMarketCap. As this is always perceived as a must step for any decent projects, we will apply to CMC as soon as we meet their listing requirements. While we have seen listing taking up to 6 months to be integrated on the CMC platforms, others took only a matter of days. We just have to hope that ours will be the latter rather than the former.

Cold Staking and airdrop! Now that is some words that people usually like to hear. Whereas ‘normal’ staking requires user to have a computer online 24/7 to be able to receive a fixed reward, usually a percentage of the total block rewards, cold staking is simply a reward for holding tokens or coins. It doesn’t require any computing apparatus, just to have coins on your wallet or exchange. DMme cold staking will be fixed at 5% and will occur every month. This means that at a fixed date everymonth, all DMme holders will be entitled to a 5% bonus. The airdrop is different; it will be a one-off event and will have specific criteria to be eligible. The minimum held for the airdrop is 10 000 DMme, the equivalent of one masternode collateral pre-swap. Once we have verified and confirmed this amount, holders will receive the amount allocated for the airdrop. This is a nice gesture to say thank you for being here and supporting us. While we are still debating the amount for this airdrop, we are considering between 3 to 7% at the moment. We will confirm to our community once the decision is made.

Overall, we are moving toward a full rebranding as plan, but we have to admit that it is taking more time than expected. To the risk of repeating myself, this is why we do not put a road map (or whitepaper) yet. We don’t want to set expectation (yet), especially in a space where a whitepaper is seen as the holy grail of a project, but when not respected or followed thoroughly, it can be the befall of it. Of course, we fully understand that all the standard documents for the project will be needed, but not just yet. Once we have a working product, then we will focus on those papers to attract big investors. Until then, we communicate to our community through Discord, Twitter and Telegram, a much more ‘human’ approach in our opinion.


DMme Project:

Web: / (coming soon)








Keen interest in blockchain technologies and their applications for a better world