Ali Reeko
1 min readOct 18, 2016


idk the nice way to say this. you are very clearly out of your depth in ways that may not be obvious to you but are apparent to others. you continue to display that in your responses to other people. a gender panel does not need to be “centered” around “misogyny or the female experience” but your complete discount of it is troubling. it feels like you are telling women that the gender panel is not for them. at this point i feel like you are not listening to oppressed communities beyond tokenizing. like the other commenter I feel very, very unclear about your intentions.

i see you deleting things from this article now and changing the way you discuss women as a “contested minority” (???) now to “oppressed.” i’m telling you that even acting as if misogyny is up for discussion is not okay for someone leading a panel about gender.

a gender studies course does not rival lived experience.

