JavaScript (JS) Refresher for React

A quick refresher on the JS concepts needed to learn and understand React

14 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash


  • Scripting language — interpreted at runtime instead of compile time
  • Interpreted — it is interpreted at runtime by the client browser instead of being passed through a compiler that converts the code to byte code
  • Supports OOP (object-oriented programming)
  • Object libraries — Document Object Model (DOM)
  • React uses the ES6 (EcmaScript / published in 2015) version of JS

Incorporating JS in HTML

You can incorporate JS in HTML using the <script> tag:



To an element on a page:

  • The item must already exist on the page
  • document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "hello";

To a page:

  • document.write(“Hello”);
  • document.writeln(“Hello”);

