What is a Zero-day Exploit?

Arnav Sharma
1 min readOct 26, 2023

Zero-day exploits pose a significant threat in the realm of cybersecurity. These are attacks that capitalize on software vulnerabilities unknown to the software vendor, allowing hackers to exploit them before a patch is available. The term “zero day” signifies that the vendor has no time to prepare or defend against the attack once it’s discovered. Such exploits are highly valuable in the hacking community and can be sold to the highest bidder, including criminal organizations or nation-states. The motivations behind these attacks vary, from financial gains to espionage. The primary challenge with zero-day exploits is the absence of prior knowledge, rendering traditional security measures ineffective. This allows attackers to act with stealth, leaving victims with minimal time to respond.

For a comprehensive understanding of zero-day exploits, their workings, examples of high-profile attacks, and defense strategies, please refer to the original article.

