How to perform Sit & Reach Test

Rajat Choudhary
2 min readOct 3, 2022


This test was discovered by Wells and Dillion in 1952.

This test is used to measure the flexibility of hip region including lower back and hamstring muscles.

Equipment: sit and reach box or make shift ruler.

Procedure: Sit on the floor with legs streched outwards, the knees should be locked and pressed tightly on the ground with or without the assistant. The soles of feet should be touching the box. The hands should on top of eachother or side by side. The flexibilty should be measured when the athelete bend and moves his hand forward towards the scale. He should wait for 2 sec at the position and the distance should be recorded. The athlete should not jerk and warm up is generally not allowed.

If the hand do not even reach the box the distance recorded should be negative.

If the hand just reaches the toes the distance should be 0.

If the hand reaches further than the toes the distance should be positive.

