Ritu Meena
2 min readJul 13, 2017

Yin Yang

I would like to share a theory I really like.

I first came across this concept in my English textbook during school days. It was recalled 2 years back when a friend mentioned it in a conversation.

According to Chinese philosophy, everything consists of two opposite and complementary forces.

Here is a picture of Taijitu, symbolic representation of the concept:

The outer circle signifies the universe or anything that exists in it. It encapsulates duality of everything.

The black portion represents Yin and stands for characteristics like feminity, dark, passive, stillness etc

The white Portion represents Yang and stands for qualities like masculinity, light, active, movement etc

Black dot in white and white dot in black represents interdependency of the forces on each other. In every male there is a female and in every female there is a male; in every Yin there is a Yang and in every Yang there is Yin. Inseparable. Interdependent.

The two portions are separated by a light 'S' signifying their blending into each other. Yin and Yang dominates at different times making a whole.

For me, the beauty of the concept is it's relevance in every life. The way everything around us has been woven to support a co-existing phenomenon like happiness & sadness, day & night, good & bad etc. I find it fascinating.

As Mother Teresa has said

“You can do things I cannot, I can do things you cannot; together we can do great things.”

This concept teaches me to accept the fact that there are other substances or people in the world I will need at different point of times. Similarly, I am the substance people will need at times. To me, this concept is a lesson to stay humble.

Fun Tip: Try saying Yin Yang six times, fast. I always end up laughing at the way it starts to sound after fourth time.

Thank you for reading ☺

Have a nice day!

Ritu Meena

Somedays, a bundle of incoherent thoughts; some other days I make perfect sense. I make mistakes. My mistakes me human. Goal is to be as humane as possible.