Mohammed Amer
Dec 31, 2021

FatPipe Networks WARP Verison — Authorization Bypass

Well Hello again,

Steps To Reproduce::

FatPipe Networks invented the concept of router-clustering, which provides the highest level of reliability, redundancy, and speed of Internet traffic for Business Continuity and communications. FatPipe WARP achieves fault tolerance for companies by creating an easy method of combining two or more Internet connections of any kind over multiple ISPs. FatPipe utilizes all paths when the lines are up and running, dynamically balancing traffic over the multiple lines, and intelligently failing over inbound and outbound IP traffic when ISP services and/or components fail.

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Improper access control occurs when the application provides direct access to objects based on user-supplied input. As a result of this vulnerability, attackers can bypass authorization and access resources behind protected pages.