Jill Stein (Jill 2016 Rap)

Matt Orfalea
End the Two-Party System


You have a right to vote, but also have a right to know
All the candidates that ya could be voting for
Yeah ya know Hill and Trump, but there’s still one more
That the Dems and Repubs don’t want you to know

Still Jill Stein, There’s still Jill Stein
Bernie fans, stop cryin, cause there’s still Jill Stein
Don’t step in line, grow a spine and fight
Let’s get Jill Stein the mic debate night

The 2016 Green Party Nominee
For a right to healthcare and a job guarantee
Ranked choice voting, for real democracy
and count Jill in for the fight for 15!

Democrypts and ReBloods are just corporate thugs
Green’s the only party that doesn’t take corporate funds
So screw Red and Blue, There’s a green pill too
If ya knew the truth, it’s Jill you’d choose

Green new deal, put profit under people
Vote the greater good, not for a lesser evil
Peace, planet, and people over profit
The TPP? please…We gotta stop it!

Jill Stein cares bout the climate like Bill Nye,
Ralph Nader, and Naomi Klein combined!
Arrested protesting the Keystone pipeline
She’s been arrested protestin 3 times!

Still Jill Stein, There’s still Jill Stein
Don’t step in line with those that lie
Jill Stein is right, grow a spine and fight
Let’s get Jill Stein the mic debate night

All Hill and Trump do is lie, so sign
the petition to get Jilll Stein airtime
Jill’s real not fake, you can see it with your eyes
Cause she’s the only candidate that doesn’t use hair dye!

2016 it’s Time to go green,
and I don’t mean just legalize weed
But also make foreign wars for oil obsolete
With energy efficiency by 2030

Hill a corporate robot, and Trump’s a demagogue
For a real dialogue, vote the underdog broad
Fights hard like Aragon against election fraud
She’s proud to be green like Kermit the frog!

Nukes and fossil fuels? She don’t frack with em
Protects the 4th amendment with a vengeance
So the Patriot Act, Jill ain’t havin it
Jill wants Snowden back, and in her cabinet!

Bernie was a beast, but Jill is the best
‘ccording to Immortal Technique and Cornel West
Only candidate that will erase all student debt
Shouldn’t be indentured servants just for learnin

She’ll erase all student debt, cause Jill Stein knows
If we don’t, the whole economy gonna blow
Like it did in ’08 from all the home loans
Time to bail out the people, instead of Dow Jones

If ya know healthcare should be universal
Go green, radical like a ninja turtle,
If ya got soul like Cee-lo, be a hero
Join Jill’s Green team n end corporate control!

While Hill and Trump wine and dine, Jill Stein still strives
not for %1 but the for 99
Jill Stein is right, grow a spine and fight
Let’s get Jill Stein the mic debate night!

Please help me turn this into a music video like I did for Bernie Sanders by supporting me on Patreon!

PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Orf

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