4 min readAug 21, 2023


37 reasons WHY YOUR relationship will NOT make it to December 2023


“Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest things in the world to hold on to, and one of the easiest things to throw away.”― Colleen Hoover: Love is more than a thing, a feeling, or an action; love is everything.

Every individual, male or female, aspires to achieve success within his or her relationships. However, relationships are not always a continuous stream of happiness and ease, and as the initial excitement wanes, reality comes into play.

As time elapses, many couples come across challenges that can lead them off course, regrettably, often resulting in a relationship breakdown.

Cultivating and sustaining a thriving and healthy relationship is not more than an instantaneous event; it necessitates an investment of time, considerable effort, and resources. It truly does require both partners’ collaboration.

Been in a relationship that didn’t work out? Are you curious about the underlying causes of relationship breakdowns or perhaps pondering and reflecting on why your own relationship is encountering difficulties? Below are 37 reasons WHY most relationships fail:

1. Lack of communication

2. Improper definition of the relationship.

Every relationship needs to be defined prior to commencement.

3. Disregard and constant criticism of each other in small ways.

4. Infidelity

5. Possessiveness

6. No intimacy, or it has lessened between you two

7. Lack of respect

8. You are partying too much.

9. Lack of compatibility

Some couples are not suitable for each other. Even if they are trying to work things out, they end up failing.

10. Lack of trust — Trust is nowhere to be found.

11. Different Life Goals

12. Selfish ambitions; being too conceited.

13. You both show no interest in spending time together.

14. Money problems

15. Not expressing emotions

16. You are attracted to another person

17. Not enough Sex

18. Abuse

19. Belittling each other

20. Keeping secrets

21. Life issues.

Each person brings personal baggage to carry the relationship. Sometimes, this baggage can be too much for one person to handle.

22. Unrealistic expectations from one another

23. The relationship is based on material things.

24. Jealousy

25. Taking your partner for granted

26. Lies

27. There is little or no commitment

28. A Difference in priorities

29. Personal insecurity

30. Focusing on your past

31. You find it hard to forgive

32. Not open to change

33. Comparison with others

34. Conflicts with partner’s family and friends

35. Not being supportive

36. Dull daily duties

When couples tend to do the same thing over and over again, there is a chance they will stop growing up as partners.

37. Lack of time.

You or your partner are always busy. Now, you both are not as available to each other as you both used to be.

Based on the numbered factors outlined above, it is of utmost importance to detect relationship pitfalls, the elements that can harm a relationship in advance before they become problematic.

By doing so, this proactive approach increases the likelihood of rescuing a relationship that may be going through a rough patch.

However, if your aspiration is to establish a prosperous and balanced relationship, you must be willing and prepared to commit to giving your absolute best to ensure its prosperity.

Accepting this truth could be difficult, but when you start recognizing signs such as abuse, a lack of trust, breakdown in communication, and disrespect, these could potentially suggest that your relationship is on the decline and it might be worth considering calling it quits.

Switching to a more positive view:

In the face of failed relationships, and the emotional distress it brings, it’s wiser to interpret it as a learning experience rather than a mere failure.

Each relationship serves as a learning experience, providing us with valuable insights through our journey, embrace the valuable lesson it offers. Consequently, it can be said that no relationship can be deemed as negative.

Our previous relationship experiences play a significant role in enlightening us about ourselves, revealing areas for growth, and molding us into more refined individuals.

Therefore, it’s crucial to extract valuable lessons from every love experience, fostering personal development as we move forward to invest more effort in future relationships.




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