Pen-testing: Badstore v1.2.3 Walkthrough — Vulnhub

Syscall59 — Alan Vivona
Published in
8 min readFeb 12, 2018


The following is a walkthrough of this vulnhub machine from 2004. I know… it’s crazy old stuff. If this machine would still exist it’d probably look like this:

But, for the propose of experimenting with classic low-hanging web app vulnerabilities, it’s still a reliable source for beginners like me. So, the goal was to search for and exploit every vulnerability regarding the web page. My findings include:

  • Exposed directories
  • Design flaws in password reset
  • SQLi
  • XSS
  • CSRF
  • Parameter manipulation vulnerabilities
  • Poor hash algorithm
  • Poor password policy
  • Information disclosure
  • Flaws in access privileges for directories and functionalities
  • Some default credentials

Let’s start with this!

1- Doing reconnaissance and enumeration

First I boot the machine and run an Nmap scan to find where it is:

