0xDragonCult — Customizable Rarity in NFTs

4 min readJan 20, 2022
0xDragonCult is the premier Customizable Rarity NFT

How many times have you minted an NFT and wished you could have changed the traits?

Have you ever minted an NFT and then been stuck with the question of “okay but now what do I do?”

0xDragonCult and the entire ecosystem was designed with issues like this in mind. Each 0xDragon can be bred to create new baby versions, or 3 can be burned to create more powerful ancient versions. Regardless of your choice to burn or breed, 0xDragons can also be customized in the 0xItemShop, allowing you to trade the $SCALE token each 0xDragon creates each day, for new items for your 0xDragon. These range from different colored horns, to new neck pieces, to holiday exclusive items.

So, how does this all work?

Each 0xDragon is minted with a variety of traits, but each of the 3,333 shed the same 10 $SCALE every 24 hours. $SCALE is used to mint Baby Wyrmling Dragons (a separate NFT), Ancient Dragons (a separate NFT), and to change the traits on 0xDragons with the 0xItemShop.


$SCALE Tokens

$SCALE is a utility token that powers the entire 0xDragonCult ecosystem. The immediate use for $SCALE upon launch will be to Breed two (2) 0xDragons together to create a Baby Wyrmling Dragon, or to Sacrifice three (3) 0xDragons to Burn to create an Ancient Dragon. All Ancients and Wyrmling Dragons are minted using $SCALE only. The only ETH cost will be for the unavoidable gas fee. $SCALE is shed passively by 0xDragons, with no need to stake, and can be claimed at any time from the Scale Harvest tab on 0xDragonCult.io

$SCALE Harvest

Baby Wyrmling Dragons

Baby Wyrmling Dragon

Baby Wyrmling Dragons can only be created in the Breeding Den. The Ritual of Breeding will require two (2) 0xDragons and 1800 $SCALE to be in your wallet. The 1800 $SCALE will be burned by Dragonfire forever, but the parent 0xDragons remain unharmed. Ritual of Breeding can be done by the same parent 0xDragons multiple times, as long as 1800 $SCALE is available to be burned by the Dragonfire. Wyrmling Dragons passively shed 5 $SCALE tokens every 24 hours. There are many unrevealed reasons to want to have a Wyrmling Dragon, other than the extra $SCALE of course.

Ancient Dragons

Ancient Dragon

Ancient Dragons can only be created in the Sacrificial Chamber. The Ritual of Sacrifice will require three (3) 0xDragons who have NOT been bred, and 1500 $SCALE to be in your wallet. The 1500 $SCALE will be burned by Dragonfire forever, AS WILL THE PARENT 0xDRAGONS. Ancient Dragons passively shed 50 $SCALE tokens every 24 hours. There are many unrevealed reasons to want to have an Ancient Dragon, other than the extra $SCALE of course.

Sacrificial Chamber


One of many 0xItemShops

0xItemShops are how Customizable Rarity is created in the 0xDragon ecosystem. As your 0xDragons are exploring the vast expanses of the blockchain they’ll often come across 0xItemShops. These will appear on the 0xDragonCult.io website, and can be used to trade $SCALE for new items for your 0xDragon, Wyrmling Dragon, or Ancient Dragons.

Customize Rarity on 0xDragons using $SCALE

0xItemShops will only appear for limited times, and the items will have limited amounts, as well as will be different each time an 0xItemShop is found. Some very rare items will only have 3 total, and will only be available for a few hours, never to be seen again. So if you are paying attention, and have the $SCALE, you could create an 0xDragon no one else has ever seen before.

