0xNorman2亿美金损失,Euler Finance黑客攻击溯源本篇文章主要对2023.3.13日发生的Euler Finance被攻击事件进行分析和溯源。希望对项目方,投资者,安全工程师以及整个区块链行业起到警示和反思的作用。Mar 17, 2023Mar 17, 2023
0xNormaninCoinmonksDamn Vulnerable Defi Challenge 1-Unstoppable solutionThis is the solution for Defi CTF, Damn vulnerable defi 1Mar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023
0xNorman如何用ChatGPT作恶,LLM的安全漏洞和警示以ChatGPT为代表的生成式AI最近可谓是火得一塌糊涂。不管是写邮件、写代码,还是生成文章都易如反掌。但令人担忧的是,这样的AI不仅可以用来做有益的事,也可能被滥用和恶意使用。这篇文章将介绍如何通过提示工程(prompt engineering)…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
0xNormaninCoinsBenchWrite-up for yet another EVM puzzle5Our final write up for yet another EVM puzzle, already gonna miss it. Link of puzzle is here, here is another EVM playgound version.Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
0xNormaninCoinsBenchWrite-up for yet EVM puzzle4Alright, here comes our four write-up for yet another EVM puzzle, it’s the last two puzzles we have, happy hours are always short, right…Dec 29, 2022Dec 29, 2022
0xNormaninCoinsBenchWrite-up for yet another EVM puzzle3This is the third write up solution for yet another EVM puzzle.Dec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
0xNormaninCoinsBenchWrite-up for yet another EVM puzzle2OK, here comes our second solution for yet another EVM puzzle.After running npx hardhat play or using EVM playground directly. I strongly…Dec 21, 2022Dec 21, 2022
0xNormaninCoinsBenchWrite-ups for yet another EVM puzzle1This is the solution for an open-source EVM opcodes puzzle, who has interest on how EVM works in the low level should give a try.Dec 16, 2022Dec 16, 2022
0xNormanBlockchain, Linked Lists and GitThis article provides a different perspective toward blockchain by comparing it with Linked List and Git repository.Jul 20, 2022Jul 20, 2022