Microlearning Technique: Fast And Efficient Blockchain Learning

8 min readJul 6, 2024


Are you working in a busy role and need help creating time to learn new things? (Especially Blockchain) Are you a student who doesn’t want to end up with burnout? You might be on vacation and not want to spend your relaxation time on intense studies. Or, you simply struggle to find motivation. Then, you are on the right blog to find a solution. This blog will tell you about a very efficient learning technique: Microlearning.

Infographic titled “Meet the Modern Learner” by Bersin from Deloitte. Highlights include: modern learners are distracted (5 mins per task), overwhelmed (1% workweek for training), impatient (5–10 sec attention span), untethered (37% remote work), on-demand (70% prefer search), collaborative (80% use social tools), and empowered (62% need upskilling). Visual elements include a head silhouette with stats, and sections on flexibility, technology use, and learning preferences.
source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/meet-modern-learner-cristina-brembilla/

Microlearning is a technique in which you learn using small chunks of study material in almost 10–15 minutes, preferably every day. Study material can be everything such as a video, live session, reading, or an interactive module. So it’s as simple as that, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. It has been a very useful method to learn more about blockchain since I’m on vacation. So here I am, ready and steady to inform you more about microlearning based on my research and experiences combined.

Benefits Of Microlearning

Developing a Habit Of Learning
One of the key points in studying something new is to be consistent. Microlearning helps you a lot with achieving a learning routine. The reason for studying with small parts of learning materials is that it is easily achievable. Thus, it is not a chore when you want to keep doing it. All you have to do is put a little bit of effort and complete a study task. This consciousness of accomplishing an achievement will make you feel motivated. It’s the magic of the brain’s reward system caused by Dopamine hormone. Then, you will find yourself developing a routine of learning. Duolingo, Busuu, and Mimo are some examples of useful microlearning apps.

Boost Your Skills Rapidly
These bite-sized chunks mean a shorter learning span. Thus you will be developing your skills faster. Compared to detailed serious learning, which also has a longer learning span, your subjects and need-to-achieves are relatively less. You have the chance to remove unnecessary information and directly dive into what you need. Considering you spend less time and effort, you will develop faster your skills.

Personalized Learning
Microlearning lets you personalize your learning path according to your targets and limitations. You can choose any topic from any category and arrange your time freely. Also, this relaxed type of learning will make you more engaged in learning because you choose your preferences. It is personally your learning style adjusted by you. What I discovered about myself is that I’m personally more motivated when I’m learning something I want, with my ways.

Decreased Retention Of Knowledge
Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, tells us that we tend to forget things we learned soon. Repetitive studying is the solution to retaining the knowledge we forget. In this term, microlearning might even be a must-have. Though, %64 of the L&D professionals support that.

Graph titled “Combating the Forgetting Curve” shows retention over seven days. Y-axis ranges from 0% to 100%, and x-axis from days 1 to 7. A downward curve indicates decreasing retention, with green dashed lines on days 2, 4, and 6 marking review points that boost retention. Initial retention starts at 100%, drops steeply, but reviews elevate it, leading to a gradual decline.

Keep Up With The Latest Trends

Another advantage of microlearning is to keep you updated. Easy-to-achieve learning style lets you learn quicker and keeps you up. With microlearning, it won’t take too much to follow a new trend in the industry.

Increased Encouragement In Learning

As told above, motivating factors of microlearning will lead to increased encouragement in learning activities. Once you realize it is working, you will believe in the process and enjoy learning. Therefore, it will lead to encouragement in learning overall. Here is an article that I found published by Universiti Utara Malaysia, Goa University, and Johannes Kepler University showing microlearning outcomes as encouragement in learning.

Cost-Effective Learning

Apart from being very useful and encouraging to learn, it is also a budget-friendly way to learn. You can access any documents, apps, or videos for free on the internet. If you already have learning materials, then all you have to do is create your learning schedule and be disciplined. If you are going to apply it to your working environment, it is also very cost-effective. A LinkedIn article I found demonstrates simple calculations for how cost-effective it is.

Enhanced Workplace Relationships
Activities are a great way to enhance workplace relationships. Especially learning activities unless it is a boredom. Microlearning activities are both useful and fun. While your team learns to boost their skill or fill the skill gap, they won’t get bored. In addition, small rewards after completing tasks would make your team happy and create a better environment as a result.

Prevent Burnout
Since you work with small chunks of information, your cognitive limit will be in a safe zone. Rather than working with large amounts of materials, which leads to consuming a large amount of information, you will gather small chunks of information. Thus, you won’t reach your cognitive limits and won’t be near to burnout. Here the research by Al-Hikmah University & Universitas PGRI Semarang shows small and fast-achieved learning objectives allow you to have healthy mental.

If you read till now, you already know much about microlearning. Next, I will talk about how you can integrate it with blockchain learning. If you like it by now, don’t forget to drop some claps! For people who have just entered web3, and want to know more about how to study blockchain, I will give some useful tips combined with what you read until now.

How To Integrate Microlearning With Blockchain Learning?

First Rule

If you ask me, I would say the first rule in blockchain learning is DYOR. It means Do Your Own Research. It is mostly used in the context of cryptocurrencies but if you want to learn a technology in blockchain, you will end up learning by yourself.

Learning Tips

  • Start by finding the most popular projects in the blockchain field by simply searching on Google. Don’t try to directly dive into one of them, just learn the names and maybe an overall description.
  • You can start by learning conceptual things in web3. I suggest you look at What Is Web3 by Amazon and Web 3.0 Explained: A Comprehensive Guide by Simplilearn. These will help you learn the basic concepts of web3.
  • Next step, you will learn the technology behind it by learning blockchain fundamentals. I suggest you read from Blockgeeks. Then, you can go on more learning about blockchain on this website, it will help you a lot in the beginning. They have a cool easy-to-read design and topics are divided by contents. That will help you to apply the microlearning technique. You can choose a topic for each day, and learn it. You can even practice it twice, third, or as many times as you want. It is better to leave long durations between them. If the source isn’t enough, you can simply search the term blockchain fundamentals and find a well-designed website. Then, set a duration of up to 15 minutes for each microlearning task.
  • If you want to learn through videos, you can check out this course on YouTube by Patrick Collins, especially the first 2 hours. Well, this is a general guide rather than mastering to be a developer. But if you want to be a blockchain developer, nothing can stop you from watching Patrick Collins. He is one of the best in the industry in terms of blockchain education and I highly suggest.
  • This is the part I’m going out of the conventional learning styles. It is about social media and I can count overall internet usage into that. I assume most of us use social media and we are all aware of how much time we spend on it and get affected by it. We shape our algorithm by our interests and it creates a personalized reality for each one of us. That’s why changing your algorithm is a highly efficient thing nowadays, with changing trends in customs. That was one of the ways I learned English, and it became successful again when I started learning Blockchain. All you have to do is follow blockchain technology-related pages and see useful tips. This will not only make you learn new things every day but more importantly, you will be exposed to that subject. You will make your brain get used to it. Thus, the process will be much easier. As a result of the blog, you will apply microlearning again.
Infographic titled “Meaningful Interactions” illustrating factors influencing social media algorithms. Center circle explains interactions with people, media types, popularity, and timeliness as ranking signals. Sections include “WHO” (friends, celebrities, brands), “TYPE” (videos, links, images), “POPULARITY” (reactions, likes, shares), and “TIMELINESS” (new posts, engagement duration). The colorful design highlights each section with corresponding icon.
source: https://pavilion.dinfos.edu/Article/Article/2161010/understanding-the-social-media-algorithm/
  • Followingly, it is important to get used to reading blogs and whitepapers. Technology is constantly changing, evolving, and upgrading. Therefore, you can not expect to blockchain stay the same. Moreover, blockchain is a relatively new technology and evolving faster. So, it is crucial to have a reading habitat in blockchain.
  • As an extend to the previous fact, it is also important to get used to listening to Spaces, AMAs, or even Podcasts. These are also important in the blockchain community because you will be listening to people who are experts in the industry.
  • In this day that we carry the world in our pockets, accessing information is super easy. With an app you download on your phone, you can access information anytime, anywhere, and continue learning. Every time you use your phone, it’s worth taking a little time to learn something — it pays off in the long run.
  • Joining a community is always advantageous from an educational standpoint. Joining communities where you can ask and answer questions to each other, where new information is always flowing, is an important factor in the blockchain sector. By joining communities primarily on Telegram and Discord, you can benefit yourself. Additionally, you can meet experts there and directly learn new information from them.


In today’s fast-paced world, microlearning offers a practical solution for those with busy schedules. Breaking down study material into small, manageable chunks, allows for consistent, daily learning without the overwhelm. Whether you’re a professional, a student, or simply looking to learn during downtime, microlearning is an efficient approach. Applying microlearning to blockchain education, you can easily grasp complex concepts by starting with foundational topics.

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” — Robert Greene

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Industrial eng stu. Passionate about web3 gaming. Seeking digital innovations that inspire. x.com/0xbugraerdal