ERC-1155 Token Standard Functions & Events

4 min readDec 7, 2022

ERC-1155 is a smart contract standard on the Ethereum blockchain that defines a set of functions and events for the creation and management of tokens that can represent both fungible and non-fungible assets.

The ERC-1155 standard defines the following functions:

  • safeTransferFrom: This function is used to transfer multiple types of tokens at once. It takes four parameters: the address of the sender, the address of the recipient, the contract address of the tokens, and an array of token IDs and quantities that specify which tokens are being transferred.
  • balanceOf: This function takes a contract address and an ID of a token and returns the number of tokens of that type that are owned by the caller.
  • ownerOf: This function takes the contract address and an ID of a token and returns the address of the owner of that token.
  • approve: This function is used to approve another address to transfer tokens on behalf of the token owner.
  • getApproved: This function takes the contract address and an ID of a token and returns the address of the approved spender for that token.
  • setApprovalForAll: This function is used to set or revoke approval for another address to transfer all of the caller's tokens.
  • isApprovedForAll: This function takes the contract address and an address and returns whether the given address is approved to transfer all of the caller's tokens.

ERC-1155 also defines the following events:

  • TransferSingle: This event is triggered whenever a single token is transferred. It includes the address of the sender, the address of the recipient, the contract address of the token, and the ID of the token.
  • TransferBatch: This event is triggered whenever multiple tokens are transferred in a single call to safeTransferFrom. It includes the address of the sender, the address of the recipient, the contract address of the tokens, and an array of token IDs and quantities that specify which tokens were transferred.

These functions and events are used to enable the transfer and management of ERC-1155 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

Here is an Example of ERC-1155 with few Functions and Events:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// Import the ERC-1155 interface from the OpenZeppelin library
import "";

// Implement the ERC-1155 interface
contract ERC1155Example is IERC1155 {
// Mapping of balances for each asset
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) private _balances;

// Mapping of allowances for each asset
mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances;

// Event for when an asset is transferred
event Transfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
bytes32[] indexed ids,
uint256[] values

// Function for transferring an asset
function transfer(
address to,
bytes32[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory values
) public {
// Verify that the caller has enough balance for each asset
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
require(_balances[msg.sender][ids[i]] >= values[i], "Insufficient balance");

// Transfer the assets
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
// Update the balances
_balances[msg.sender][ids[i]] -= values[i];
_balances[to][ids[i]] += values[i];

// Emit the Transfer event
emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, ids, values);

This code is an example of how the ERC-1155 standard could be implemented in Solidity. The pragma solidity ^0.8.0 statement at the top of the file specifies that this contract is written in Solidity version 0.8.0 or later.

The contract then imports the ERC-1155 interface from the OpenZeppelin library, which defines the functions and events that are required for implementing the standard. The contract then implements the ERC-1155 interface by declaring that it is a contract that “is” (is keyword) an instance of the IERC1155 interface.

The contract then defines two mappings: one for tracking the balances of each asset, and one for tracking the allowances for each asset. These mappings are private, which means that they can only be accessed by other functions within the contract.

The contract then defines an Transfer event, which will be emitted whenever an asset is transferred. This event includes indexed parameters for the from and to addresses, as well as the ids and values of the assets that are being transferred. Indexed parameters are included in the blockchain's event logs, which makes them easier to search and filter.

The contract then defines a transfer function, which allows for the transfer of assets from one address to another. The function takes three parameters: the to address, an array of ids for the assets being transferred, and an array of values indicating how many of each asset is being transferred.

The function first verifies that the caller has enough balance for each asset being transferred, using a require statement. If the caller does not have enough balance for one of the assets, the function will revert with an error message.

If the caller has sufficient balance, the function will then transfer the assets by updating the balances in the _balances mapping and emitting the Transfer event.

This is just one example of how the ERC-1155 standard could be implemented in Solidity. The specific details of the implementation may vary depending on the requirements of the contract.

