Banana Gun Bot Sniper — How To Easily Snipe Token Launches On ETH, Base or Blast

11 min readApr 6, 2024


Banana Gun is a Telegram bot that allows you to snipe upcoming launches, or safely buy tokens that are already live. Banana Gun aims to be your go-to sniper / manual buyer on Ethereum Network, Base and Blast.

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Banana Gun Bot Sniper

Banana Gun Sniper Bot has gained notoriety through whales who have made millions sniping token launches:

Trader Uses Banana Gun Sniping Bot To Make $7M Off SatoshiVM Token Launch

Crypto trader makes $6.77M profit using Banana Gun snipping tool in SatoshiVM token launch

Banana Gun Sniper Bot seems to be the go-to place when whales want to snipe early tokens or just trade them after launches. Why is Banana Gun so popular then? Well I will tell you all in this article and also guide you how you can snipe launches with Banana Gun Bot.

Key Features of Banana Gun Sniper Bot

  • Auto sniper
  • Manual trader
  • Anti rug
  • Private transactions
  • Sandwich protection
  • Reorg protection

How to setup your Banana Gun Sniper Bot wallet

Instead of me writing instructions, Banana Gun has already created a great video tutorial on how to get started with the bot.

Banan Gun Sniper Bot wallet setup tutorial

Sniping token launches with Banana Gun Sniper Bot

First, paste the contract address you wish to snipe into Banana Gun Sniper Bot, and a question will pop up asking how much ETH you want to spend.

Banana Gun Bot Sniper walleet

After this you have two choices, which Banana Gun Bot has outlined in their manual:

sniping token launches with Banana Gun Bot Sniper
Two options for sniping a token

Pending snipe and overview

Banana Gun Bot Sniper settings

Now there is a lot going on the image above, so let’s break it down:

First Bundle or Fail (FoF) = If its green, it is toggled on. If you wish to snipe without First Bundle or Fail on, you can turn it off. When enabled, Banana Gun will always aim for the first buy when trading begins. It can only land on block 0 as the first bundle. It is recommended to have at least 10 participating wallets for this to work effectively.

First Bundle or Fail (FoF) Backup = If it’s green, it’s toggled on. If you wish to snipe without First Bundle or Fail Backup, you can turn it off. FoF does not trigger on MEV launches or Deadblock launches, but if you have Backup enabled, it will trigger. On MEV launches, it will buy on block 1, and on Deadblock launches, it will buy on the first safe block. In this case, it will use your Backup Miner Tip.

Slippage = This feature allows for a normal 0–99% range and is meant for launches with no maximum transactions. It allows that much movement in the price or a failure.

Note: If you set it to 100, it will be considered “unlimited”.

Degen Mode = With this feature activated, you can buy in insider plays that launch as “honeypot” to deter bot users. If you enable this setting, the bot will ignore safety tax settings, allowing it to purchase the token even if it is unsellable. You can quickly toggle the feature by typing /degen into the sniper bot.

WARNING! This disables a lot of our safety features, use it with care. Stay safe out there!

MaxTx or Revert = If you have this feature enabled, you can limit your risk tolerance and only allow the bot to buy if the maximum transaction does not exceed your MaxSpend amount. If a token does not have a maximum transaction set up, this feature is ignored.

Example: The MaxTx of the token is 2%, and you set your maximum spend at 0.1 ETH. If 2% is worth more than 0.1 ETH at the time of your buy, then your transaction will revert.

Min (MinToken) = You can set the minimum percentage or amount of tokens you want to buy, allowing the bot to purchase at least this much with your maximum spend.

Example: If you set MinTokens to 1% and your MaxSpend to 0.1 ETH, if your MaxSpend is not enough to buy at least 1%, the purchase will fail.

Anti-Rug = If it’s green, it’s toggled on. If you wish to snipe without anti-rug, you can turn it off. If the tax goes above your safety tax settings or the developer tries to rug the token (any instance that makes investors unable to sell), Banana Gun will attempt to frontrun the transaction and sell your tokens.

Note: Developers often “shake out” bot users with fake tax settings. If you have anti-rug on, it will trigger.

It has an 80–85% success rate, and can only land on MEV blocks.

Transfer on Blacklist = If its green, it is toggled on. If you wish to snipe without Transfer on Blacklist on, you can turn it off. If the developer tries to blacklist your wallet, Banana Gun will call the Transfer on Blacklist function to send your tokens to the ‘transfer wallet’ as long as it is enabled.

Note: You must have transfer wallets set up in Banana Gun for it to work & your transfer wallets must have at least 0.1 ETH for it to work.

Pre Approve = The default setting is to approve the bought token after the snipe. In this scenario, after successfully purchasing the token, it approves it in the next block, and you are ready to sell on the second block. If you want to sell the bought token on block 1 or block 2, you can pre-approve the token.

Snipe Settings = If you wish to change the settings you launched the snipe with, click on this button.

IMPORTANT: Changing any settings here will only affect THIS snipe. All other pending snipe settings won’t change, and new snipes will use settings from the main Settings.

Cancel = You can cancel the snipe. If you click on cancel but it doesn’t delete the message, that means the snipe has been canceled, but Telegram did not manage to delete the message. In this case, and only in this case, you can right-click and delete the message.

IMPORTANT: Right-clicking and deleting the message does not cancel your snipe.

Snipe settings

From snipe overview menu you can click to “Snipe settings”

Snipe Amount = This is the MaxSpend amount that you allow the bot to use for purchasing the MaxTransaction amount of the token. If the MaxTransaction value is lower than your MaxSpend, any remaining ETH will be returned to your wallet.

Snipe Tip = Specify the additional ETH you’re willing to pay as a bribe to the block builder to get ahead of other snipers. This applies only to unlaunched tokens you plan to snipe.

- Banana bot uses ETH as a bribe and not GWEI.
- In case your snipe fails, you will never lose your Tip amount.

Backup Tip
FoF does not fire on MEV launches or Deadblock launches, However, if you have Backup enabled, it will trigger using the Backup Tip in these cases, instead of the Snipe Tip.

- Banana bot uses ETH as a bribe and not GWEI.
- In case your snipe fails, you will never lose your Tip amount.

Wallets = Here, you can adjust the number of wallets you use for sniping.

Approve GWEI = Determine the extra GWEI you’re willing to use to expedite token approval following your purchase. More GWEI secures earlier positions in the block. This is additional GWEI above the base GWEI of the block.

Sell GWEI = Set the additional GWEI you’re willing to use for selling the desired token. More GWEI secures earlier positions in the block. This is additional GWEI above the base GWEI of the block.

Anti-Rug GWEI = Specify the extra GWEI you’re willing to use for selling the desired token when front-running a rug or tax change. More GWEI secures earlier positions in the block. This is additional GWEI above the base GWEI of the block.

Buy Tax Limit = The Snipe only triggers if the buy tax of the selected token is at or lower than the set limit. Example: Your buy tax limit is set at 80%. If XYZ token launches with a 99 buy tax, Banana Gun will not fire, and the snipe stays in “pending mode.” If the developer lowers the buy tax to 75%, Banana Gun will fire in the same block as the tax change.

- Both buy tax and sell tax limits must be met for Banana Gun to fire

Sell Tax Limit = The Snipe only triggers if the sell tax of the selected token is at or lower than the set limit. Example: Your sell tax limit is set at 80%. If XYZ token launches with a 99 sell tax, Banana Gun will not fire, and the snipe stays in “pending mode.” If the developer lowers the sell tax to 75%, Banana Gun will fire in the same block as the tax change.

-Both buy tax and sell tax limits must be met for Banana Gun to fire.

Min Liquidity Limit = The Snipe only triggers if the paired liquidity of the token is equal to or higher than the amount set by the user. The limit is based on USD value.

Max Liquidity Limit
The Snipe only triggers if the paired liquidity of the token is equal to or lower than the amount set by the user. The limit is based on USD value.


It is clear why Banana Gun Bot is the nr. 1 Telegram trading bot for sniping token launches. The features and options Banan Gun offers are extensive and their documentation allows anybody to do it. Of course whale games are whale games and average joe can only dream of bribing the amount some of the largest snipers are bribing, but in theory anybody could do it.

Even if you are not insterested in sniping tokens yourself, it is important to understand how these tools work. However if you got inspiration to try sniping, you can start using Banana Gut easily. Happy sniping!

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