Maestro Sniper Bot: Your Gateway to Multi-Chain Sniping and Trading Through Telegram — Complete Guide and Review

12 min readApr 5, 2024


Maestro Sniper Bot is one of the most established Telegram trading bot tools on the market. It is first and foremost a sniper tool as the name suggests, but it is also a potent tool for day to day trading on different chains. Notable difference between Maestro Sniper Bot and other Telegram trading bots is its multi-chain support, but Maestro Sniper Bot has many other features as well, making it one of the most versatile Telegram Bots on the market.

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maestrobot guide

This article is an in-depth view to Maestro Sniper Bot’s features and works also as a guide on how to buy and sell or snipe tokens, copy-trade wallets and how to setup call channels with your trading bot.



Trading bot:

Supported chains: SOL, BSC, ARB, ETH

Introducing Maestrobot

Maestrobot offers a Telegram-based tool that automates the buying and selling of crypto tokens and most importantly allows its users to snipe tokens early.

It’s engineered for traders who aim to capitalize on the market’s swift movements, providing features that allow for immediate token purchase upon liquidity addition, sales with a single button press, and the deployment of complex trading strategies.

Maestro Sniper Bot support currently supports: BSC, ETH, ARB and SOL

Key Features of Maestro Sniper Bot

Basic swaps → normal token contract address buy and sells

Auto buying → Maestro Sniper Bot has integration to multiple Telegram call channels, and you can setup autobuys for these calls

Sniping → Sniping, or God Mode, is a tool kit that covers every possible token launch situation

Sniping presales → If you wish to snipe a hyped presale (for example sniping a Pinksale presale) Maestrobot sniper offers a very easy interface for it

Copy-trade → Allows you to copy the buys and sells of tracked wallets at amazing speeds

Rug pull → Prevents liquidity fraud and other suspicious actions. The bot attempts to sell assets before a malicious transaction is processed, protecting investments

Anti-MEV → Hides transactions through a private relay to avoid MEV bots and copy traders, increasing security but potentially slowing down processing

Intelligent Slippage → Automatically adjusts slippage based on market conditions and price impact, not recommended for high-risk operations

Multi-Wallet → Allows purchasing from multiple wallets, complicating the copying of transactions by others

Max Gas Price → Sets a maximum gas price limit for transactions

Default Slippage → Sets a fixed slippage percentage for transactions without automatic adjustment

Gas Limit → Limits the maximum gas fee in dollars per transaction

Disabling Security Mode → Allows purchasing tokens despite detected risks or suspicious activity, ignoring warnings

Getting Started with Maestrobot

Embarking on your Maestrobot journey requires a Telegram account and the app installed on your device. Once set, access Maestrobot bot here and initiate the bot with /sniper command.

maestrobot main menu start
Main menu of Maestrobot
  1. With the /sniper command, you’re ready to delve into Maestrobot’s trading universe.
  2. Select Wallets. You can choose one of three chains: BSC, ETH, Arbitrum, or Solana. The same instructions apply to all chains for the most part.
  3. The next screen will allow you to connect your wallet or generate a new wallet through the bot.

It is recommended to generate a new “burner” wallet instead of connecting your main wallet

4. Once the wallet is generated, it’s recommended to import the private key to TW, Metamask, or your preferred wallet so you can access your funds outside the sniper. However, this step is not necessary, since the sniper allows you to send BNB/ETH/tokens out of your sniper wallet.

Make sure to send funds (BNB or ETH only) to the wallet so you can start using the bot.

Once the wallet is set up, you will end up at the options displayed below:

wallet options maestro bot
Wallet options

📤 Tokens = Paste the contract address of the token you want to send out of the connected wallet. Then, choose how much of the token you would like to send

📤 BNB = Choose how much BNB you would like to send out of the connected wallet.

📢 Balance = Allows you to check the contents of your wallet. This is a simplified version of the Maestro Wallet Bot, which offers more detailed wallet tracking functionalities

Making Your First Trade With Maestrobot

While Maestrbot’s main feature is its sniping functionality, it can also double as an efficient trading terminal. Through the sniper, you can execute “manual” buying and selling transactions, similar to how Pancakeswap and Uniswap work. You can access this functionality by pasting contracts into the bot.

buy with maestrobot
Buy menu of Maestrobot

📍 Track = Opens a Trade Monitor for the token without buying it. If you have a positive balance for the token, you’ll be able to set up autosells for that token. This allows you to keep an eye on the token’s price movements in real time

🔄 BSC = If an address has tokens on multiple chains, you can use this button to cycle between the chains.

📈 Chart = Gives you a link to the token’s chart

God Mode = Unlocks liquidity and method sniping capabilities

Buy ⇔ Sell = Switches the menu from buying to selling. If your wallet already has a positive balance for the token, you can sell your holdings directly through the bot.

Buy/Sell X BNB = Buy the amount of tokens equivalent X amount of BNB.

Buy/Sell X Tokens = Buy X amount of tokens

Ape Max = Buy max TX of the token.

After you buy through the bot (or use the Track function), the Trade monitor menu will open ⬇️

Trade monitor of Maestro Sniper Bot

However, Maestrobot isn’t just about basic trades. It allows for the creation of buy/sell walls, limit orders, and employs stop losses and take profits triggers. These advanced options enable traders to execute sophisticated strategies, automating their trading processes and maximizing potential returns.

Utilizing God Mode for Sniping Token Launches with Maestro Sniper Bot

A standout feature, ‘God Mode,’ empowers users to buy into newly listed tokens instantly. Simply enter the contract address, select ‘Snipe Liquidity,’ and specify your investment amount. Maestrobot handles the rest, ensuring you’re among the first to invest in promising tokens.

To access God Mode, Paste any contract address or chart into the sniper and you will get the panel below:

Select “God Mode” (SOL not yet supported)

god mode maestrobot
God mode view on Maestrobot

Some things to note when trying to snipe launches with God Mode:

  • Your first priority for liquidity and method sniping should be setting a delay that would avoid deadblocks. The default is zero. Zero block delay means that the bot will attempt to buy as soon as the transaction that adds liquidity or activates the targeted method (depending on your choice) is initiated
  • If your buy amount is bigger than the maximum allowed transaction, the bot will automatically adjust your buy amount to match the maximum, even for liquidity/method snipes
  • You need to set up your liquidity/method snipe within 24 hours of the launch happening, as your God Mode settings will reset after 24 hours.
  • Base users can only set up 1 God Mode snipe at a time, while ⭐️Premium users can set up 5 up to 5 concurrent God Mode snipes

Copytrading other wallets with Maestro Sniper Bot

This function allows you to copy the buys and sells of tracked wallets at amazing speeds. Maestrobot allows you to immediately copy the buys and sells of up to 3 wallets (10 wallets for premium users).

Please note: Always track the wallet RECEIVING the tokens. Do not follow wallets that start transactions. Instead, follow the wallets that receive the purchased tokens at the end of a transaction.

Copytrade speed is determined by multiple factors. Depending on the scenario, the bot will either frontrun the tracked wallet, match its gas, or simply buy/sell after it.

Copytrading buys

Start the bot with the /sniper command and choose Copytrade, you will see this:

wallet copy trading solana maestrobot
Add wallet to copytrade

Next step is to adjust copytrade settings:

copy trade maestrobot
Copytrade settings

The four most important buttons on the setting menu:

✅ Auto Buy = If you want the bot to auto buy immediately when the tracked wallet performs a buy transaction, you NEED to enable Auto Buy here and in your wallet settings (two locations).

✏️ Buy Amount = This serves as the maximum allowed auto buy amount. For example, if you set Buy Amount to 0.5 BNB and the tracked wallet buys 0.1 BNB, then the bot will also buy 0.1 BNB, matching the tracked wallet. However, if the tracked wallet buys any amount LARGER than 0.5 BNB, the bot will still only buy 0.5 BNB.

Frontrun = This controls whether you would like to frontrun the tracked wallet’s buys and sells. Enabling Frontrun means that the bot will use higher gwei than the tracked wallet to get ahead of it.

Blind Follow = The bot excludes transactions that don’t originate from the tracked address (fake/real airdrops, contract traders, multi-wallet transactions, etc.).

✏️Gas Price/Delta -✏️Slippage — 🌐Smart Slippage = These buttons allow you to override your wallet gas, slippage, and Smart Slippage settings for copytrade Auto Buys.

Sniping Presales with Meastro Sniper Bot

Unique to Maestrobot, this feature allows you to snipe a hyped presale. Maestrobot works with Pinksale public presales and privates presales that your sniper wallet is whitelisted on. You can only have one presale set up at a time.

Start the bot again with /sniper command, then navigate to “Snipe presales” section.

Presale feature

Add Presale = Click this button to add a presale to snipe. The bot will ask for a Pinksale presale address, and then ask for your contribution amount. Paste the presale address from the Pinksale page of the token you wish to snipe. Remember, the sniper needs the presale address, NOT the token address or the pinksale webpage link.

Main = Change the wallet used to snipe the presale. Clicking this cycles through your connected wallets.

Presale Gas Price = Change the gas price used for the presale contribution. This does not affect your global gas price/delta, and will only apply for this specific presale.

After completing the steps laid out in the Add Presale button, the sniper will be ready to secure your presale contribution once the contribution window opens. If you want to remove a presale, go back into Snipe Presales, and you’ll be given the option to do so. If you want to change the contribution amount, you’ll have to remove the presale then add it again.

Claiming a presale

After a successful contribution, you can claim your tokens (when the presale pool ends) using the following command:

/claim Presale Address Wallet Name Chain

When sniping presales, please keep the following in mind:

  • The bot uses the gas price you specify in the Presale Gas Price. Your gas price is extremely important on ETH and BSC, as it determines the priority of your contribution on the blockchain. If a presale is hyped, expect to see extremely high gas prices from all participants. On Arbitrum, gas price is irrelevant
  • You can have only 1 presale snipe active on each chain


Maestrobot simplifies cryptocurrency trading, offering a plethora of features that cater to various strategies and market conditions. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or new to the crypto space, Maestrobot provides the tools you need to navigate the market confidently. Remember, while Maestrobot automates trading, success still depends on strategic planning and market research.

Link and documentation

More reading from me related to crypto, Telegram trading bots, passive income and much more!

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Writing reviews and guides on different crypto tools such as Telegram trading bots.