Sigma Bot: The Best Telegram Trading Bot For Trading on Base Chain

7 min readApr 2, 2024


Updated on 3.5.2025 to include recent trading volume increase

Sigma Bot is a state-of-the-art trading bot designed to give you a competitive edge in the volatile world of on-chain trading through Telegram. Compatible with Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Arbitrum, Base Chain, and Blast networks, Sigma Bot is a seamless solution for trading and sniping tokens. Sigma Bot has so far seen the most growth on Base chain. This article will go through the most important features of Sigma Bot and also acts as a tutorial if you want to start trading through it.

sigma bot logo

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Key Features That Set Sigma Bot Apart

  • Multi-chain compatibility
  • Automatic chain detection
  • MEV & re-org protection
  • No lost gas fees on failed transactions
  • Comprehensive UI
  • Stop loss, take profit, and buy orders for all tokens
  • Advanced Anti-Rug system
  • Supported chains:
sigma supporting chains
Supported chains on Sigma Bot

Understanding Sigma Bot’s Fees

Sigma Bot boasts some of the lowest fees in the market, with rates as low as 0.5% for sniping and trading across various supported chains.

sigma bot fees
Sigma Bot fees per chain

Gettng Started with Sigma Bot

To get started with Sigma Bot, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Sigma Portal or the Sigma Buy Bot on Telegram to begin.
  • The setup process is user-friendly and mostly self-explanatory, but it’s advisable to read the guide thoroughly, even if you’re an experienced trader.
star view of telegram with sigma bot
Start view on Sigma Bot

Setting Up Your Wallets

Your journey begins by setting up your wallets within the bot. You can easily:

  • Add new wallets by following prompts
  • Import existing wallets if you’re already trading
  • Rearrange the order of your wallets for optimized access
  • Remove wallets that you no longer use

You can access your wallet management with command /wallets

sigma bot wallets
Wallets view

To add a fresh wallet, press Create:

You will be given a private key for the new wallet, please save it, as it will not be recoverable.

Funding Your Wallet and Transferring Funds

To transfer funds between wallets or withdraw your crypto:

  • Start the bot and go to settings
  • Select ‘Wallets’ and then ‘Transfer’
  • Choose the wallet you wish to transfer from, then select the destination wallet
  • Specify the amount and complete the transfer by pressing Enter

Making Trades with Sigma Bot

trading with sigma bot

Auto Sniper: Set the maximum ETH you’re willing to spend on tokens. Press the XETH button to specify the ETH amount, and register your snipe

Manual Buyer: For real-time transactions, use the Manual Buyer feature by pasting a live contract address

Positions monitoring

To look at all of your current positions, /start the bot and click the Positions button:

Or type /positions in the bot. This will show you all of your current positions:

Looking Ahead: Sigma Bot’s Roadmap

Sigma’s roadmap suggests exciting upcoming features, including copy trading and backup bots, Blast chain support, Telegram scraper, Web Terminal App and Solana support indicating a commitment to continuous improvement.


Sigma Bot is an all-encompassing tool designed for the modern on-chain trader. From setup to trade execution, Sigma offers a robust platform that caters to the needs of both novice and veteran traders. With its impressive suite of features, low fee structure, and user-friendly interface, Sigma Bot is the quintessential partner for anyone looking to thrive in the crypto trading space.

Start using Sigma Bot today and take your trading to the next level!


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