The Ultimate Base Chain Trading Bot Comparison: Sigma bot, Banana Gun Bot and Shuriken

8 min readApr 22, 2024


Base chain, along with Solana have seen a surge in trading volume in the recent months. Although Solana has taken the lead in trading volume, Base is close second and seems like base trading volume keeps growing on a more steady pace than Solana’s.

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In any case, trading on Base is becoming more and more popular. This has not gone unnoticed by different Telegram trading bots, as they have added Base support to their trading bots. You still have more bots on Solana, but the number of bots supporting Base chain is increasing.

In this article I will go through all of the current known Telegram trading bots that support trading on Base and compare them.

Interested in Solana trading bots instead of Base? Check my ultimate Solana trading bot comparison guide.

Sigma Bot

Best features: Supports multiple chains in addition to Base (SOL, ETH, AVAX, BSC, ARB and BLAST), lots of features and fast transactions

Drawbacks: fees are quite high, 0.5 % for ETH and 1 % for other chains

Detailed review:

Compatible with Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Arbitrum, Base Chain, and Blast networks, Sigma Bot is a seamless beginner-friendly solution for trading and sniping tokens. Sigma Bot has so far seen the most growth on Base chain in recent months.

Dune dashboard for Sigma bot

Key features of Sigma Bot

  • Multi-chain compatibility
  • Automatic chain detection
  • MEV & re-org protection
  • No lost gas fees on failed transactions
  • Comprehensive UI
  • Stop loss, take profit, and buy orders for all tokens
  • Advanced Anti-Rug system

Sigma’s roadmap suggests exciting upcoming features, including copy trading and backup bots, Blast chain support, Telegram scraper, Web Terminal App and Solana support


Banana Gun Bot Sniper

Best features: The OG, multiple legendary snipes have already been made with Banana Gun Sniper Bot

Drawbacks: Few features less compared to Sigma bot

Detailed review:

Banana Gun is a Telegram bot that allows you to snipe upcoming launches, or safely buy tokens that are already live. Banana Gun aims to be your go-to sniper / manual buyer on Ethereum Network, Base and Blast.

Banana Gun Sniper Bot has gained notoriety through whales who have made millions sniping token launches:

Trader Uses Banana Gun Sniping Bot To Make $7M Off SatoshiVM Token Launch

Crypto trader makes $6.77M profit using Banana Gun snipping tool in SatoshiVM token launch

Banana Gun Sniper Bot seems to be the go-to place when whales want to snipe early tokens or just trade them after launches.



Best features: Supports multiple chains in addition to Base (ETH, AVAX, and BLAST), lots of features and fast transactions. Has both webapp and Telegram bot

Drawbacks: UI not as intuitive compared to Banana or Sigma

Detailed review:

Working Telgram trading bot AND a web app? Multi-chain support and advanced orders? Shuriken Bot.

Shuriken usage volume according to Dune analytics dashboard by whale_hunter

The Shuriken Bot, accessible via Telegram and a dedicated web application, is a multi-chain trading powerhouse supporting an array of networks including Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Base, Avalanche (AVAX), and Blast. This bot simplifies the trading process by offering a suite of advanced features tailored for both novice and seasoned traders.


Interested in other Telegram Bots that work on Solana? Read my other Medium articles for in-depth reviews:

More reading from me related to crypto, Telegram trading bots, passive income and much more!

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Writing reviews and guides on different crypto tools such as Telegram trading bots.