UniBot Telegram Trading Bot & UniBot X Trading Terminal — Full Guide and Review

12 min readApr 6, 2024


unibot logo

Despite recent controvercy, UniBot is still one of the most powerful trading tools for crypto. Supporting Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base chain and Solana and being able to trade through their Telegram Bot and in their Webapp, UniBot is definitely one of the most versatile trading tools out there. This article is an overview and guide to UniBot after all the controversies in April 2024.

UniBot consists of two main parts; its Telegram trading bot and its webapp trading terminal, but before I explain those, I will walk you through UniBot’s features, fee structure, security and loyalty program.

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UniBot Features

UniBot is an established player in the Telegram bot scene, so it is relatively feature-rich. Some of the features include:

  1. Basic Buy/Sell Orders: Trojan allows users to place buy and sell orders directly through their Telegram Bot. Users can specify the token they want to buy or sell, the amount they wish to trade, and the desired price level.
  2. Limit Orders: With Trojan, users can set limit orders to execute trades at specific price levels. This feature enables traders to enter the market at their desired prices, helping them minimizing the need for constant monitoring.
  3. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Orders: DCA orders enable users to automate their investment strategy by regularly purchasing a specified amount of a particular token over time, regardless of price fluctuations. Trojan allows users to set up DCA orders, helping them accumulate assets gradually and potentially reduce the impact of market volatility
  4. Copy Trading: Trojan offers copy trading functionality, allowing users to copy-trade any solana wallet.
  5. Supported chains: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base and Solana
  6. ETH-ARB/BASE Bridge: Trojan facilitates cross-chain trading between Ethereum, Arbitrum and Base blockchains through its ETH-ARB/BASE bridge feature. This allows users to access liquidity and trade assets across all ecosystems seamlessly

UniBot fees

Whenever you trade through Unibot, your trading wallets interact with the Unibot router contract. If you buy a token, the router contract will deduct the fee from your ETH input amount. If you sell a token, the fee is deducted from your ETH output amount.

  • Transactions through Unibot incur a fee of between 0.5% to 1%
  • The default fee is 1%, however you can reduce your fees by up to 50% through Loyalty Program

UniBot security

  • Private keys are encrypted using industry standard encryption. No one has access to it. Not UniBot’s server, database, or website
  • Unlike CEX, users have access to their private keys of Unibot generated trading wallets. You can import your keys to Metamask and have full control over your funds in Unibot at any time
  • Always treat your wallet as a hot wallet
  • Unibot team will be upgrading features to bring more comfort over your wallet security in the future. E.g. auto-transfer ETH out when your balance exceeds a custom threshold amount

Loyalty program

Transactions through the bot incur a fee of 1% by default. Unibot offers a reduced fee schedule for users that support Unibot in the following ways:

  • Active (high volume) traders
  • Holders of the $UNIBOT token

The fee reduction applies to any trades made through Unibot.

unibot loyalty system
Loyalty Program Tier system of Unibot

Trading with UniBot Telegram Bot

  1. Access the Telegram Bot by clicking this link.
  2. Click the Start button, or enter /start in the bot if the chat window is already open.
unibot main view
/start view of UniBot

2. Send at least 0.02 ETH to your newly generated wallet(s) to use for trading

3. That’s it! Now you can continue using the Telegram Bot, or switch to Unibot X for trading.

UniBot X — Webapp for onchain trading

At the heart of Unibot’s arsenal is Unibot X, the newly released integrated trading terminal designed for the public. Unibot X represents a leap forward in trading technology, offering a suite of features aimed at empowering traders like never before​​.

unibot web terminal
UniBot web terminal

You can use your UniBot wallet for trading both on the Telegram and Webapp, whatever works for you.

Buying tokens with Unibot

You have three options on how to buy tokens with Unibot: Telegram Bot (easy mode), Telegram bot (expert mode) and Unibot X.

Telegram Bot (easy mode)

buying tokens with unibot
Buy Tokens — Easy Mode

1. Gas Settings — Choose between the available Adaptive Gas strategies and add a custom Tip (optional).

2. Wallet Balances — Shows the ETH and USDC balance on each of your 3 Unibot wallets, for each of the integrated blockchains.

3. Uni X — Opens a small popup window to the Buy Tokens screen on Unibot X, our integrated trading terminal.

4. Select Wallets — Choose which wallets you want to buy with. You can enable multiple wallets to buy with many at once.

5. Buy With — Choose whether you are buying with ETH or USDC. All selected wallets should have sufficient balance.

6. Buy Amount — Choose from preset ETH amounts to buy with, or enter a custom amount.

7. Custom Buy Amount — Click the button once to enable it, then click the button again to enter your custom value.

8. Enter Token Address — Enter the address of the token you want to buy. After entering, your buy will immediately be triggered.

Telegram Bot (Expert mode)

Buy Tokens — Expert Mode
  1. Gas Settings — Choose between the available Adaptive Gas strategies and add a custom Tip (optional)
  2. Wallet Balances — Shows the ETH and USDC balance on each of your 3 Unibot wallets, for each of the integrated blockchains
  3. Swap Summary — Quotes the expected amount you will receive from your trade based on our meta-aggregation engine
  4. Token Summary — Useful information about the token you are buying. The honeypot detector is only indicative, and does not detect all honeypots
  5. Uni-X — Opens a small popup window to the Buy Tokens screen on Unibot X, our integrated trading terminal
  6. PrivateTX — Choose whether or not to send the transaction privately
  7. FailguardSimulate the transaction to reduce the chance of failure
  8. Frontrun — This setting is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Gas Settings instead
  9. Select Wallets — Choose which wallets you want to buy with. You can enable multiple wallets to buy with many at once
  10. Buy With — Click the BUY WITH ⇄ heading to toggle between buying with ETH or USDC
  11. Buy Amount — Click the ⇄ ETH button to toggle between preset amounts, or click the ✎ ETH button to enter a custom amount. Click the button once to enable it, then click the button again to toggle or enter your custom value
  12. Slippage — Auto-slippage is recommended, since it finds the lowest slippage possible for your swap to succeed. Otherwise, ⇄ toggle between the presets or ✎ enter a custom slippage %
  13. Receive Token — Receive (i.e. buy) USDC, or ✎ enter a custom token address to buy
  14. SEND TX — Submit the transaction to the network

Unibot X

unibot x
Buy panel
  • PAY — The amount of ETH you would like to swap with. Upon entering, the transaction will be simulated to estimate the amount you will receive
  • RECEIVE — The address of the token you are buying
  • Buy Settings — an expandable panel that reveals additional buy settings you can configure
Buy panel (settings expanded)

The simulation panel shows:

  • NAME — The name & symbol of the ERC20 token
  • DEX — The pool that the trade will be routed through
  • AMOUNT — The amount of token that you are expected to get
  • SLIP — The minimum amount of token you will get

The expanded Buy Settings reveals:

  • Use Private Transaction — Choose whether or not to send the transaction privately
  • Frontrun Other Traders — Pay a higher priority gas fee for a chance to frontrun other transactions
  • Slippage — Specify your desired slippage with the slider, or use Autoslippage
Honeypot detected

Honeypot Detector — When entering a token contract, Unibot will automatically check whether it is a honeypot (i.e. scam token). A red bug indicates that the token should be avoided! You can click the icon to view more details about the token.

UniBot Token Sniper

Token Sniper is only available through the Telegram Bot. It will be added to Unibot X at a later time. Here are instructions how to use it.

  1. /menu in the Telegram bot.
  2. Click Snipers (ERC-20).
  3. Choose between Token Sniper or Auto Sniper.

Setting the tip

  • The tip (otherwise known as bribe) is necessary in order to succeed at token snipes
  • When the total tip of all Unibotters sniping a token is higher than our competitors, the Unibot users will win the token snipe
  • Therefore, every Unibot sniper plays an important role in the collective success

Custom tip/bribe

  1. Click Tip.
  2. You will be prompted to enter your custom amount in GWEI or ETH terms. E.g. 0.01 eth or 60 gwei.
  3. If you enter in ETH terms, it will be automatically converted into the equivalent GWEI. Either way, you’re done!

Token sniper

unibot token sniper
Token Sniper
  1. Tip — Specify the tip you are willing to pay for the snipe. You will only pay this tip if the snipe is successfully bundled, but be mindful that every enabled wallet pays the tip. This is an important setting for snipers! You can specify it in many ways, here are some examples: — 100 gwei - 0.02 eth
  2. Sniper On/Off — Choose which wallets you want to snipe with. All enabled wallets will snipe together. You can adjust this even while you have an active list of tokens to snipe.
  3. Max Spend Amt — The maximum amount of ETH you will buy with, for each of your enabled wallets. Your ETH spent will always be whichever value is smaller: the Max Spend Amt or the ETH required to buy the Max Wallet Size of the token you are sniping (if relevant). This does not include your gas costs, which can be high for token sniping.
  4. Autosell — Optionally choose to sell your tokens automatically when your specified rule is triggered. You can specify it in many ways, here are some examples: — 0.1 eth (i.e. if the value of your position is worth that much ETH) - 500% - 10 blocks
  5. First or Fail — If enabled, you will only be included in the snipe if Unibot is the first (i.e. the winning) sniper for a given token. Having this enabled is a trade-off: there’s less risk of you buying at a bad price, but you are less likely to succeed at buying.
  6. Anti-Rug — If the token owner tries to remove the liquidity from the token trading pair, automatically try to sell your tokens before them. It is not possible to protect you if the token owner uses a private transaction.
  7. Add Token To Snipe — The address of the token you intend to snipe.

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Writing reviews and guides on different crypto tools such as Telegram trading bots. https://twitter.com/0xkryptokeisari