Snake Oil Club

3 min readFeb 21, 2022


By 0xUrkel

This guy get’s the idea

What the hell is this?!

If you recently asked yourself “What the hell is this scribble junk in my wallet?” You might be one of the newest members of Snake Oil Club. An elite group of members from around the Avalanche ecosystem. What bonds us? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, before I decided to use my index finger to create “art” on my phone, I had a plan, a dream, a goal. Avalanche allows for some crazy progress to be made with possibilities on the blockchain, this collection is a testbed for seeing what is possible when we work less on outward appearance and more on functionality, while still having a little degen fun and rewarding the crap out of our community.

Let’s talk Tokenomics

There are only 1000 pieces in the initial generation of this collection. In total there will only ever be 10,000 pieces and each generation will only be created after enough months have gone by, for more clones of rugs and idle clicker copies to be created, to give me more material to print on the labels.

Oh the Labels, yeah, just some fun and some pain. Anyone who has been around Avalanche or crypto long enough knows that scams are a dime a dozen. Since we live in it anyway, why not poke some fun at past misadventures.

That’s why I chose to create something different. Something funny but also rewarding, a conversation piece, that might also land you airdropped backstage tickets to a Snoop Dogg concert. Who knows.

yes, that’s the roadmap on a napkin

Can I join? Is there a mint site!?

Yes, and no. There is a mint site, but what fun is that? More fun to simply send a polite, friendly tweet to 0xUrkel and he may gladly airdrop you one for free, if there are any left.

ask specifically and “please” is the magic word

Or you could try to buy one on secondary market is a great option, but we plan and have been heavily rewarding our holders, so they may never sell. But that’s up to them.

I don’t want to be greedy but I love this collection! How can I get more free mints?

0xUrkel is a really nice guy and he loves to laugh! If community members create funny memes around the collection, with the tag #SOCavax and the ID number of one of your jars, he can airdrop to the most hilarious/original ones each week.

#SOCavax #69

What’s next?

Next, we follow the plan and build out the roadmap, we already have some collabs in the works, over 100 mints, and our first #AVAX airdrop coming to a lucky holder soon. New roadmap and site coming, but the rewards will be the same! Welcome to the club, let’s go!

Donations welcome 🙏 but not asked for, only kindness matters ❤️🌐🚀0x2F1E4aFf1a629D402616CEc2E23e3D2A1a760e4C

