$SOB Early Adopter Dynamic NFT Collection

2 min readSep 27, 2022


Minting on September 28, 2022 at 6pm pst,

$SOB Early Adopter collection is a 250-piece dynamic NFT collection by Snake Oil Club that is part of a series of paid SOC mints. The initial utility of this token is to help build the Snake Oil Bucks liquidity pool. This will help secure a more stable token price and to raise awareness of the Snake Oil Club community. All mint proceeds will go to the $SOB/AVAX Liquidity Pool.

What does it do?

Minting $SOB Early Adopter NFTs will allow us to secure as much $SOB as possible to then place it back into the liquidity pool. Snake Oil Bucks ($SOB) are only minted to SOC holders, there is no treasury allotment, and 0xUrkel is not a majority holder of SOC, thus in order for us to acquire more $SOB for LP staking, we must get it from the market like everyone else.

How do I support the cause?

LP your $SOB. Join the mint on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 6pm pst. Mint price is 1 AVAX. If you are a SOC holder, the holder's chat discord will get a link to a site to mint price of 5 $SOB/AVAX LP tokens per NFT or 1 AVAX 30 minutes before the public announcement on SOC Twitter. No max mint 250 items total. All mint proceeds go to $SOB/AVAX liquidity pool.

What’s next

There are other future utilities that have yet to be spoken of in the SOC Ecosystem for these tokens.



